Heart vs. Mind

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In the waiting room, Khoii was anxious, his one leg couldn't help but shake at the challenge. He crossed his arms 'Between the three of us, it's anybody's game but the ones who let their guard down first will fall.' He watched Katsumi unstone-ing Kenta and narrowed his eyes 'I wonder if he's considering a haircut now.'

'I guess its time to show up Katsumi now.' Khoii thought before getting up from his seat and calming down his heart which was speedily beating, 'there is no time like the present.' he thought as he clutched his heart.


Khoii stood opposite of Katsumi who waved at him which he flinched and ignored.

Katsumi frowned but didn't let it show as she composed herself in front of her self proclaimed best friend, she couldn't screw up knowing that her long time idol was somewhere watching them in the stadium. No matter how many glances she made she never saw the bright flamed hero in her sight. But also she couldn't help but worry for her friend, he had been distant since the night at her place, right now it's gotten to a point where no matter how tolerant she was she could not handle his silence anymore.

For the first time Katsumi narrowed her eyes at him which evoked an unseen reaction from the dark-haired boy, he wasn't showing but he knew.

Confirming the start of the battle Khoii made no hesitation to absorb the negative emotions in the stadium turning him into a dark inhuman beast which effortlessly towered over his opponent, in the audience Katsumi could distinguish some looks of shock and horror and thought she heard a baby cry from the audience too. Despite the monstrous look Khoii had, Katsumi jumped away creating distance from him and put a hand on her lip before finger gunning him with a heart at the tip of her finger aiming them all straight at him "Pistol Kiss!" the heart shot at an alarming rate similar to a bullet straight through Khoii's chest but Katsumi's eyes widened in horror as he was seemingly unaffected by her attack.

Using her moment of shock Khoii drove forward launching himself at Katsumi with his clawed hand extended ready to swipe his target, noticing this action a little too late Katsumi made a mad dodge to the side with only her side being ripped up, spewing a thick crimson substance on the ground.

Katsumi flinched midair when backflipping to get away from Khoii and upon landing on the ground she lost balance as she clutched her side in pain. Wasting no time Khoii prepared to attack her again from a distance using his quirk to make his claws bigger and sharper and punching the ground causing a mini earthquake to head towards Katsumi who countered it with a kick and turned it into stone with the help of her quirk and directing it back to Khoii who swiftly dodged all the debris flying towards him.

As he was dodging he failed to grasp the inhumane speed his opponent was at appearing behind him, "Lovekick!" she exclaimed focusing her quirk onto her feet kicking her opponent from behind causing a significant amount of it to be turned to stone making those parts fall to the ground as Khoii turned around with his back broken off and by the looks of things, Katsumi still had many more places to stone before breaking his walls.

Katsumi sweated as Khoii seemed to be now relentlessly throwing a mixture of punches and kicks at Katsumi who struggled to counter them all leaving her exposed to certain parts causing Khoii to punch her away landing her on the ground.

Even with a demonic appearance, Khoii's humanity was still intact, he could see his friend struggling no matter how capable the world thought she was but this battle couldn't have been anymore harder for both of them.

Khoii lifted his giant monster arm above Katsumi, the shadow above of it covering her whole form, with a tear struck face she looked up at him, Khoii froze.


The rain was pouring drastically and everyone around her seems to disappear one by one, except for one boy who sat in the corner alone painting using watercolor.

The girl sat alone on the mat where the class would usually sit clutching her bag close to her trying to find a thing to focus on. There wasn't a single toy that she had not played with, some were toys she wasn't allowed to play with and in the corner was the boy that didn't like her very much.

The teacher had excused herself for some quick paperwork on her desk and gently told her to not bother her. The girl frowned feeling as blue as the weather. All her friends had left - I mean if you could even call people who only played with you because of your physical appearance and quirk.

No one ever saw her for who she really was, didn't care about her interests or her existing hobbies. Dwelling on the mature thought the girl continued to brood to herself avoiding eye contact with anyone and was entertaining herself as much as possible waiting for her parent to arrive.

The boy took notice of the girl in the classroom, I mean like no one else is there in the room, right? Looking back at his painting it was perfection, well perfection for a kindergarten kid anyway.

The boy sighed "I was gonna give this to mom anyway..." getting up he approached the girl causing her to look up at him breaking the tension in the room. The boy planted his bag a reasonable distance from her and handed her his painting before sitting down beside his bag. "I want to give this to you."

The girl's eyes sparkled upon the drawing of a young woman with short black hair "Wow she's pretty." And that was the moment where some sparks flew in the girl glancing at her quiet classmate with a happy smile.

The boy nodded agreeing, "Hn."

Flashback end~

Back at the fight, Khoii had hesitated so long it gave Katsumi enough time to pick herself up and knee him on the chin actively snapping Khoii from his thoughts. With her final knee, it successfully cracked away all of Khoii's monstrous form and with the thought of saving his energy, he turned back to his original form grasping his bruising chin where he spits out blood.

"That hurt," Khoii stated dismissing his broken jaw and a pool of liquid falling down from his mouth "...a little."

Katsumi tried regaining herself as she eternally thought about the outcomes of this battle. To her, hurting Khoii-kun was the last thing she wanted.

'Wait a minute...' Katsumi thought, whilst dodging a punch followed by a kick from Khoii, 'why am I doing this??' Khoii swiped for an uppercut successfully landing a hit on Katsumi's jaw.

Then a voice rang through her head, 'Do us all a favor and let Utsumi win.' Katsumi narrowed her eyes at his words before taking a deep breath concluding her final thoughts and outstretching her hands into the familiar heart shape.

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