Chapter 13 ~ The Search for the Past Begins

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Ashley's P.O.V

The sun covered my whole bed, shining on my face. I pushed the blankets off my feet and jumped up to my feet. Last night was terrible but I'm not going to let it get me from enjoying my day. Even though this apartment maybe haunted, I'll make it work somehow with Adriana and Abree while not letting dad to worry. I walked out to the kitchen, still thinking about what happened yesterday and then I saw them.

"Good morning girls", I flashed a bright smile at my sisters.

They just stared at me in confusion instead.

"And why are you still in your pajamas?" Adriana asked.

They expect me to go to school after what happened last night? But I don't think that's the reason here then what is? It's five in the freaking morning and they are all dressed up.

"Why should I get changed? I can see you guys are", I looked at them from the bottom to the top.

"So 'Miss Know Everything' now forgets some things", Abree jumped on the kitchen counter before continuing , "Wow!" she pretended to be surprised.

"Well, I do remember the supernatural thingy and the story behind it", I shot back, "but I don't remember going anywhere, this early".

"Ash, you must have hit your head hard", Adriana said after a few moments of silence.

"So?" I didn't seem to know where this has do with us going anywhere and may I say again, this early!

"Can I hit it harder? Please?" Abree asked with her sweetest voice.

"NO!" Adriana and I  glared at her.

"Okay", she put her hands in surrender, "was kidding, you know".

"By the way, where are we going?"I turned to Adriana, "Oh does it have a great restaurant on the way?" I walked towards the kitchen counter and grabbed an apple. I took a bite of the apple as Adriana began to speak.

"Well, actually, we aren't going together".

"Huh?" I looked at them, confused.

Abree came closer to face me.

"Ash", she started off, "we...are...not...going...together", she slowed the pace of talking, emphasizing on each word as she spoke. Oh lord! I face palmed myself.

"I heard clearly what Ad said, Bree! But then who are we going with?"

"Well..", I could tell that Adriana was hesitating, "I am going with James and Sean, Abree is going with Dylan and there's you, Eric and Ryan".

Wait what?  I don't want to be in the same car as Eric. Can't I switch?

"And no, you can't switch with anyone", Adriana said as if she knew what I was thinking, "that's because you don't like James either and newsflash, Abree and Dylan are dating".

Did I really forget that my twin finally had a boyfriend? Well, maybe but in my defense, I was badly affected by last night's incident.

I tried to open my mouth to say something but Adriana beat me to it.

"And F.Y.I, only three guys know the road properly , that is Sean, Dylan and Ryan. So I could say you are stuck with Eric".

I let a huge grunt out hearing that. The apartment door swung open as the guys from the next door came in. How could they come in without knocking? Talk about manners.

 "So are you girls re-a-d-y?" Eric stared at me before continuing, "What's wrong? Do you want a invitation to get ready?"

"Oh wow! That would be great. A 'Go and get ready' invitation!" I said. Note the sarcasm.

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