Chapter 2: An Unfortunate Encounter

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I know it came late but in all honesty, who's reading🥺? Comment if you are though🤝

Word count: 920 words

Revised and edited‼️


Jordyn's POV

I hesitantly woke up from my sleep to check my phone which read:
08:07 am


Fuck !

I'm late.

Well I can't be asked so I'll take my time.

I get up comfortably doing laying my bed and get my clothes out of my wardrobe. I wear a pink hoodie that has been designed with the words  'c'est la vie. Paris', black high waisted jogging bottoms and my white airforces. I don't really care how I look because it's school, whose watching me?..
..well except from my bullies; but whatever.

well except from my bullies; but whatever

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This is enough to cover all my scars-

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This is enough to cover all my scars-

So, it's 8:45am and I decided that I wasn't gonna eat breakfast as it wastes so much time.
I walked passed my mum in the kitchen,           "Good morning ma"
"Good morning daughter. Have a nice day, sweetie" she responded

The thing about my mum is that she's really nice when my father isn't around, it's like she's afraid of him. I mean who wouldn't be when he has anger issues and abuses us.

I arrived at school at 9:03am after walking for about 15 minutes. Immediately I walked through the gate of my school, I was issued an hour detention for the following day...
Let me explain to you the procedures of my school rules:

"S" means a sanction -
An "S" is a warning
An "S1" is a 10 minute detention, which is not recorded into the school system
An "S2" is a 30 minute detention
An "S3" is an hour detention
An "S3b" is an hour and a half detention
An "S4" is a day of internal exclusion (where you sit in a room for a day and you are given work from all your 5 lessons that day)
An "S4b" is a Saturday detention
An "S5" is a fixed term, which is when you don't come to school for a day
An "S5b" is clarity (basically a room you sit in during school hours for a whole week and do your given school work)

If you don't go to an "S1", you get an "S2". If you don't go to that S2, you get an "S3": it's just like a domino effect.

I walked toward my first lesson, which was Science, a subject that I was good at.
As I walked into my classroom my teacher,                I apologised "Sorry I'm late."
Everyone in the class just sniggered and I mumbled bravely, "The fuck your laughing at"
Mr Smith just  shook his head slowly before continuing with assigning the class their work.
I sat at the back corner of the class next to Jace,
"Wagwan my young g," Jace dapped me up
"Not much my driller," I responded with the same energy.
Before Jace and I were about to bust a convo, one of his thirsty hoes spoke was staring me down and I stared back with a bored expression.
"Jaceyyyy babes" one of his hoes called
"What do you want?" Jace replied

I left them to their conversation mainly because I could care less about their conversation so I tuned out of it and stared at my worksheet, which read:

Q1. What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis in plants?

Q2. What is the chemical symbol for Iron?

This was just revision as I remember learning this last year. I just left it.

"Okay, Jordyn what is the answer to question 2?" Mr smith asked; thinking I wasn't paying attention.

"The chemical symbol for Iron is "Fe"" I smartly answered.

Mr smith gave me a response by looking like this:

Mr smith gave me a response by looking like this:

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Okay maybe not like that, but he was surprised.. hehe.

The bell rang which meant it was time to go to our next lesson, unfortunately I don't have it with Jace but on the bright side I have it with Bianca.
As I was walking down the corridor, I was dragged into the bathroom, I'm not gonna lie I was shook..

Then I saw three people looking at me devilishly: my main bullies.

"So it's been time since we've seen you" Bully number one spoke with her fake curious voice.

Me being me, a shy girl, says,
"Please don't hurt me-"

Before I could continue, bully number 3 pushed me to the ground.
Then, bully number 2 kicked my stomach forcefully causing me to groan.
Just as I was about to bring my arm closer to my body, bully number two and three dragged my hand across the floor in a crucifix position (but on the floor) and bully number one step on both of my palms whilst the other two kicked my sides nonstop.

After about 2 minutes of this painful cycle, bully number one drags me across the floor towards the sink and bangs my head on the tiles floor by the sink. Causing my vision to become blurred.
"You know you should kill yourself" one of the bullies says.
I looked down towards the floor and slowly touch my head to see a small print of blood in it.

After a couple of minutes, my vision became normal. Just then, I see Bianca enter the toilets and her eyes met mine. I couldn't read her eyes but I could see that she was shocked and in hurt.

It broke me to see her like that.

But I think it shattered her more....

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