Chapter 3

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We both sit in complete awkward silence as none of us know what to say. I took a deep breath and   was just about to say something when someone shrieked, "My my is it really Lyra Flynn!!?"
I turned around to see this woman who looked to be in her mid forties. She came up to us and hugged Lyra tight. Lyra smiled and said,"Mrs. Smith, it's only been 3 years since we last met. How's Jenny?"
The two kept on conversing and so I had to clear my throat to make my presence known. Startled Lyra looked at me as if she forgot I was even here.

"I used to babysit Mrs Smith's daughter Jenny a couple years ago but had to quit because of my studies. Mrs. Smith, this is Robert mom's old  friend," Lyra made the introductions. Mrs. Smith smiled at me and shook my hand. Then she turned to Lyra and said that she needed to leave now as she was late for a prior engagement. They made plans to meet up soon and the older woman left.

But I wasn't listening anymore. All I could think was how Lyra didn't even acknowledge me as her father and just brushed me off as her mother's old friend. That's when something Mrs. Smith said rang in my ears. She called Lyra, Lyra Flynn! How could that be? Our last name was Wilson!  Why would that woman call her a Flynn?

Didn't my daughter even use my name anymore? How much of a damage had I left behind me?

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