8. The problem is it's you

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August 1989

Eddie was laying in the hammock, his legs hanging over the side. Richie watched him as Beverly were laying out the cards on the floor. Today was the day, the day Richie was gonna tell Eddie how he felt. He was nervous, he had been barely able to sleep all night. He considered to just not do it but then he remembered how he had felt when they had fought IT this summer. How scared he had been over losing Eddie, over watching him die. He didn't want Eddie to die not knowing that he's in love with him.
"Okay, done", Bev said and Richie turned his attention back towards the cards.
Bev, Richie, Stan and Mike all took up their cards. Bill had left about ten minutes ago and Ben was reading comics.
The four losers played for a while before Mike said he needed to go home.
"I should go to", Ben said and got up from his chair. "Can I walk with you?"
"Sure", Mike said.
They said their goodbyes to the others before leaving the clubhouse.
Bev, Richie and Stan played another round of Rummy. Beverly was casting nervous glances between Eddie and Stan throughout the whole game. Richie knew what she was thinking, if Eddie left before Stan Richie wouldn't have time to talk to him.
"Should we play again?" Stan asked excitingly.
"No, I think I should go home", Bev said and got up. She cast a glance at Stan and then said: "Will you walk me home, Stan? I have a question about a bird."
Stanley's face light up with excitement as she said this and he quickly got to his feet.
"Of course, I'll tell you everything I know", he said.
As Stan rambled on about how much he knew about birds, he and Beverly made their way to the clubhouse door. Beverly quickly turned around and gave Richie an encouraging wink before leaving the clubhouse with Stan.
Richie took a deep breath, it was time.
"Eddie", he said and Eddie quickly looked up from his comicbook. His beautiful brown eyes were staring back at Richie in wonder. "Can I talk to you?"
"Of course", Eddie said and put down his comic. "What is it?"
"C-could you come over here?" Richie asked, not managing to keep his voice under control.
"Why?" Eddie asked suspiciously. "You're not trying to steal the hammock, are you?"
"No", Richie said and let out a laugh. "Just trust me, I have something important to tell you."
Eddie got up from the hammock, slowly and carefully watching Richie. He sat down besides Richie and his gaze softened.
"What is it?" The short boy asked.
"I ... ah", Richie said and looked away from Eddie. He just couldn't look at him, he just couldn't. "I have a crush on someone."
Richie could feel Eddie's eyes at him and he slowly turned his head toward him. He looked chocked at first, but then made a small smile and said:
"Tell me about her."
"Well ..." Richie said, he could feel his face burning up. "She's cute and funny. And I really like her. I think I could even say that I'm in love."
"Well, I'm happy for you", Eddie said but he wasn't happy. He didn't know what he felt, disappointment? Jealousy? Whatever it was it wasn't happiness. It was probably becuase he was jealous of Richie. Richie had probably already asked the girl out, Eddie whished he had Richie's confidence.
"The problem is ... ", Richie said and once again turned away from Eddie. He bite his lip nervously and then continued. "The problem is ... it's you."
Richie looked up at Eddie, waiting for his reaction. Eddie just looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?" He asked concerned. "The problem is me? Do the girl you like have feelings for me? Because I would never-"
"No, Eddie", Richie said, cutting him of. He looked up at Eddie, at the beautiful boy. At the love of his love. And suddenly his heart rate slowed down and he said, calmly: "Eddie, you are the one I'm taking about. I'm in love with you."
Eddie stared at him. At first he thought he was joking, but then he saw Richie expression and realized he was serious.
Richie waited for Eddie to say something but he had no idea of what to say. After some seconds silence he managed to stutter: "B-but I'm a g-guy."
"Yeah, I know", Richie said and although he sounded confident he could feel his heartbeat getting faster. I've ruined everything, our friendship is over. He will never speak to me again, Richie thought. "It doesn't change the fact that I like you."
Eddie looked even more confused and chocked and Richie couldn't help but thinking he was cute.
"I know this must feel weird for you", Richie said. "I'm sorry. I just had to tell you."
Eddie was so confused. He never thought two boys could like each other that way. He had of course heard of it, but his mother had told him that it wasn't love and that they were just confused. And that Richie was in love with him was even more of a shock. Richie, who always made "your mom" jokes. Richie, with his nerdy glasses. Richie, with his funny and annoying jokes.
"Say something, Eddie", Richie said and now the confidence in his voice had disappeared. "It's okay that you don't feel the same."
Feel the same. Of course he didn't feel the same! It wasn't love, it was just confusion.
But when Eddie looked at Richie, he saw that he was not confused, he actually loved him. He meant what he said. And that got Eddie thinking. Did he feel the same? He had never been in love before but he always felt like Richie weren't like one of his other friends. Like Richie were something more. Like everytime they touched, he could feel a tingle throughout his whole body. And when Richie smiled, Eddie felt warm and happy. He sometimes blushed when thinking about him and had, just once, looked at his lips and wondered what it would feel like to kiss them. He hadn't thought of it before. All these little things had just seemed normal to him, like you just felt different for each friend. It was first now that he realized that it was love. Oh shit, he thought, I'm in love with Richie fucking Tozier.
"Eddie, please say something", Richie said and he was pleading now.
But Eddie didn't say anything, instead he leaned forward and pressed his lips on Richie's. Richie stared wide eye at Eddie like he couldn't believe what had just happened. But then he realized that Eddie's lips were on his and he kissed him back softly. Richie took hold of Eddie's face and rubbed his chin slowly. None of the boys had ever experienced anything like this. It felt as though their whole body were on fire and like their stomachs would exploded of all the butterflies.
When they broke apart Richie didn't let go of Eddie's cheek. They looked into each other eyes and both were blushing.
"Eh ...", said Eddie and bit his lip. "I think I like you to."
Richie smiled at this. He had of course realized that Eddie liked him the moment their lips had connected but it still felt good to hear him say it.
"Do you wanna ... do you wanna go get ice cream?" Richie asked. "I'll pay."
"Sure", Eddie said and smiled.
Richie let go of Eddie's cheek and they got up from the floor. With their hands braided togheter, they left the clubhouse and went to the ice cream bar.


I usually don't write love stories between 13-years olds but I like it. These little teenage crushes are so cute!
I'm still reading the book, I have about 200 pages left. I must say it's really good but also very sad and uncomfortable. There are a lot of awful and disgusting things. It's not very much like the movie so if you have seen the movies but want something more from the IT universe, I highly recommend it.
Until later!

Though love: Reddie (Richie x Eddie)Where stories live. Discover now