14. psycho much

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My heart skips a beat at his action, my face close to his neck. He was radiating with heat, and his scent smelt heavenly. It soothed me.

He smells amazing...

'Tell me about it'

"Hey!"The girl growls out, and by now everyone had gone back to their own business. 

Jungkook 'tsked' in annoyance, bending down to pick me up and throwing me over his shoulder with ease. He ignored the girl and walked to the table we were at.

"I hope you don't mind, but I will be taking Taehyung now" Is all the alpha said before leaving the restaurant without letting Sehun or Baek respond. I tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but he just spanked my ass which made me yelp.

Thats when I looked up and saw the girl, 'Irene' come out the restaurant and upon seeing us started running to us. I suddenly felt scared. This chick seemed kinda psycho.

"J-Jungkook" I whimpered, and his grip on me tightened, "She- she's running after u-us!"

"What?" He sounds confused.

"T-The alpha chick who cut me!" he registered my words and then tensed, but it was too late, she had caught up with us and had sent me a glare before grasping onto one of Jungkook's arms.

"Kookie! I was calling you!" I could hear the pout in her voice.

'Wait, she called him Kookie... are they close?'

I don't like her

'Me neither'

"Fuck off Irene, I thought you said you had moved" Jungkook responded coldly, but she carried on holding onto him.

She holds on tightly to him and stops, making Jungkook stop.

"I moved back for you Kookie! We can get back together now! Isn't that amazing? I just missed my Kookie so much, so I asked daddy if I could come back!"

They were together? Wait, does that mean... they are gonna be a couple again...?

Why does that make me feel so sad...

"I'm not dating you again, you were, and still are, annoying"

I bit my lip to stop my laughter, but my body shook slightly with the effort and Jungkook noticed. His hand that held my legs in place gave my thigh a good squeeze and my breath hitched.

"Ugh, Kookie! Stop being mean, everyone knows we are gonna end up being fated mates, so why delay it?"

"Listen, if you were ever my fated mate, I would reject you in a heartbeat. Not that I believe the Moon Goddess would despise me so much to the point that she would make us mates but whatever"

I couldn't help but let out a giggle, finding Jungkook's bluntness hilarious.

He huffs, spanking me again, but this time much harder. I whine, pouting and feeling like this was unfair. So I smacked his butt as hard as I could since I had a good angle while being slung over his shoulder.

He growled, shifting my body and setting me back on my own two legs. Just as I was about to bolt, one hand snakes around my waist and glues me to his side, other hand gripping my chin and lifting it up.

His eyes were red, and I shivered when he growled lowly.

"Kim fucking Taehyung. Behave unless you want me to punish you"

I pouted, glaring at him but keeping my mouth shut. His eyebrow quirked up, mocking me as I listened to him.

"Uh, Kookie who the hell is this bitch?"

Ya'know what? Screw being good, no one calls me a bitch but myself or Minnie.

"Your worst fucking nightmare," I growled eyes leaving Jungkook's face to glare at the girl.

"You wish you whore"

"Honey, the only thing I wish for is for you to get your skanky ass the hell away from me. Unlike you, I have standards with who I talk to, and currently you are no where near even touching those standards" Jungkook chuckled at that.

Her eyes burned red, alpha pheromones being released. She was definitely strong, but no where near Jungkook's aura.

Although that did not mean it was easy for me to stay standing. An angry Alpha is terrifying, and I have never experienced a full on angry Jungkook, and I don't ever want to.

I clench my jaw, my wolf cowering and begging me to look away.

"You little slut! How dare you say that?! And how dare you touch Jungkook?! HE'S MINE!" I gasped, eyes widening as her inner wolf took over, her eyes darkening slightly and voice screaming anger, possessiveness, hatred and jealousy. 

I whimpered, terror taking over my entire body. I had never, ever, experienced an Alpha's anger that was so strong. I felt like crying. 

And I never cried in front of Alpha's. I would wait until they leave.

The tears pooled in my eyes, body trembling but I didn't allow her to see that she had upset me. I did what seemed like the most natural reaction, turning and hiding my face into Jungkook's neck. His body froze in surprise when tears spilt from my eyes and dripped onto his neck.

I wrapped my shaky arms around his neck, sniffing and whimpering as my inner wolf cried in terror. My actions seemed to snap him out of it, and his arms tightened defensively around me.

It was then that he released his Alpha pheromones, this time being stronger than any other time I recalled. His aura screamed anger. No, actually furious describes it better.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I am not yours, so don't act like it! And how dare you speak to him like that, especially after hurting him earlier!?" Jungkook roared, my hold on him tightening in freight.

His whole aura had darkened, dominating Irene's aura effortlessly.

The strong female Alpha whimpered in submission immediately, "I'm s-sorry"

"Sorry won't fucking fix it. Leave before I rip your throat out" he snarled and I whined, body shaking violently at the pheromones that basically choked me they were so strong.

I didn't even hear her scurrying away, my mind was taken over by Jungkook's Alpha pheromones and that made my body heat up.

Then, without any filter the next words slipped from my trembling lips.

"A-Alpha... please... I w-want home..." my voice was soft and terrified, begging him to take me home.

(A/n; Only a non Alpha wolf that has an Alpha as their mate, can refer to the other as 'Alpha'. Its a term often used for mated wolves only, and more commonly only wolves that are ranked as Gemmas, Epsilons, Zetas, Iotas or Omegas use that term. Betas, Selsas and Deltas are usually full of themselves and will not call their Alpha mate 'Alpha'. And it never occurs when two alpha's are mates.) 

Jungkook's breath hitched, and then his arms picked me up by my thighs and wrapped them around his waist. 

"Of course pup" he spoke gently, calming me slightly and he started to walk. I sniffled, burying my face into his warmth and scent even more as more tears rolled down my cheeks.

I was oh so grateful that he didn't ask why my body was trembling or why I was crying. His Alpha pheromones slowly disappeared, reverting back to a slight but noticeable amount that naturally stayed around him to tell other wolves his rank. I felt safe in his arms, my body slowly calming down, eyes drooping and tiredness sweeping over me.

I was comfortable with him... safe, and happy. Not long after, i had fallen asleep in the Alpha's arms, snoring softly with tear stained cheeks and a pink nose from sniffing.

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