1. Last day

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Lol I really shouldn't be updating this now cuz I haven't finished my other books but oops


I silently slipped through the hallways of my soon to be old high school. For once, I had a bounce in my step as I walked to my third class, since I was more than happy to leave this horrible place.

I entered my class, and it was mostly empty. I sat myself down and took out my headphones and plugged them into my phone. I switched my playlist on shuffle, before putting my phone away. I doodled in my book, one hand fiddling with the necklace around my neck absent-mindedly.

I suddenly felt a harsh tug on my hair and I gasped. My headphones were yanked off, and I glared at the person.


For the entire school year, he had bullied me, since he was an Alpha. All he knew was that I was a werewolf, but he didn't know my rank because I wore my moonstone neckless at all times. He decided to make my life a living hell, and he certainly succeeded.

But then again, all my previous bullies from my other old schools did, so it's not much of an accomplishment.

"What" I hiss, irked that the Alpha was going to ruin the one day I was actually happy.

His eyebrows rose, "is that any way to talk to me?"

I felt my insides tremble slightly at his snarl, his Alpha hormones choking the air. I pushed away my natural instincts to bow down and just rolled my eyes.

I couldn't let him, nor anyone, find out that I was a male omega, so I had to act tougher.

He growled lowly at my action, "don't disrespect me, mutt"

I forced a snarl onto my face, "I wouldn't talk about myself like that if I were you"

He grabbed the collar of my shirt roughly, before yanking me out of my seat.

"What did you just say" he growls lowly.

I grit my teeth harshly to stop myself from whimpering. I forced myself to maintain eye contact, and my body shook slightly at how hard it was.

"What, deaf are we?" I forced out.

My inner wolf cowered in fear, yelping at me to just roll over and submit to the Alpha. But I knew that if I did, he would have the upper hand and use my true nature to his advantage.

I mean, all Omegas are good for are pups, and a male Omega... Well, let's just say there is a higher chance of them giving birth to an Alpha. Any and all Alphas born from a male Omega have an extraordinary amount of power.

His eyes flash red, and before I knew it I had received a hard blow to the abdomen. I squeeze my eyes shut as I gasped in pain

I feel him push me, and I fell and hit the floor roughly. I heard a few surprised exclamations, before I felt another hit to my stomach. I cried out, holding my sore stomach when I received a hard kick to my nose.

I could feel the blood already begin to trickle down, before another stab of pain erupted from my ribs.

I whimpered in pain as I continuesly got beaten up, no one daring to interfere. I held my tears back, making sure I never let them see me cry.

"Never" kick.

"Challenge" Kick.

"Me!" One final kick was made to my side, as Jackson growled in anger. I coughed up some blood and my vision was very fuzzy. I managed to make out his blurry form, as it turned and walked away.

I coughed up some more blood, before I felt my conscience slip into the dark abyss.





I groaned softly, my whole body screaming in pain. I forced my eyes open, and had to blink a few times when I was met with a bright white light.

Once my vision had cleared, I lazily looked around me to find that I was in a hospital. The smell of medicine is strong, and the constant beep from the machine was annoying, despite it meaning I was still alive.

Or maybe that's why it was annoying. Cause I couldn't just die.

I heard a click, and turned to look at the person who walked in. It was a doctor, tall and slim.

"Ah, you're awake" he smiles gently, "hello there Mr. Kim, I'm Dr. Oh, but please call me Sehun"

His eyes flash a light blue, and I immediately understood. I allowed my wolf to shine, and showed him my rank, and my eyes shined a light blue .

"You're a...male omega too?" I whisper lowly, eyes wide.

He looks at me kindly, "yes I am... And I'm glad to meet another one"

There were not many male Omega's left... We were rare, and that's what made us all the more desirable.

"Ah yes, and we have allowed you to keep the neckless on since you're scent is rather strong"

I gave him a grateful smile, "thank you so much"

"No problem," he walks up to the side of my bed, "but just curious, where did you get a moonstone neckless from?"

I hesitated for a second, before answering, "well I travel from place to place a lot... And when I was still quite young, I came across a warlock who made me one"

"Ahh, I see" he nods his head, "I was just wondering, since it works so well unlike the usual perfume"

I hum in agreement. It was true, the moonflower perfume for werewolves was good but... It never completely covered your scent, so werewolves were still able to sense what you were if they tried hard enough.

Whereas my moonstone neckless blocks my scent completely, and mainly only Alphas are able to pick up that I'm even a werewolf.

Sehun was very gentle and nurturing for the duration of my hospital stay. It turns out I had been knocked out for three days before I even woke up.

Well, at least I scored myself a friend out if it, we even exchanged numbers and he said he would let me stay with him for a while if I ever needed, which I was very grateful for.


Hope you guys enjoyed <333

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