Meeting Spider-Man but loosing Peter (Part 2)

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Request: I have a peter request! so the reader meets Spider-Man (and is best friends w peter) but Spider-Man accidentally calls reader by their name and when she asks how he knows he blurts out (stupidly) that he goes to the same school as them & then the next day the reader excitedly tells peter but it only upsets him bc he wonders who else the reader told and it's like a sign of distrust or something u can decide how it goes! Part two of two

word count: 2.3k

You think maybe losing your best friend would've been a little easier if you didn't have to see him every day. After trying for days on end to get your parents to let you play hooky, you gave up and dealt with it.

Peter avoided looking at you in any way possible. You understood, but it still hurt. You wished it all could've been different.

You hear the bell above the door to the sandwich shop you work at ding as you walk in. MJ is already behind the counter. She became your coworker after the infamous summer school trip that you didn't get to go on. You'd heard that Ned and Betty had a fleeting fling, but Peter and MJ's was supposed to last. It didn't. Within two weeks of being back, they reverted to being friends and MJ never really talked about it much. You didn't meet Peter until after they'd broken up, but over the summer is when you two became closer friends than any of the group.

MJ could tell you weren't in a perfect mood from the moment you walked in. She'd been helping Peter with a project for the two weeks that it had been since the accident, so her shifts and time with you had been scarce. "Hey Y/N. It's been slow today."

You laugh," In the ten minutes you've been here?"

"Yeah, I was dying without you. I had to make two whole sandwiches." You roll your eyes as you lift the gate to step behind the counter. You set your bag down and then tie your apron over your head.

The shop is empty, and you try to refrain from asking her about Peter. The two of you not being linked by the hip wasn't unnoticed by anyone, but he wouldn't talk to Ned or MJ about it. You busy yourself by cleaning the countertop and replacing containers of things that don't necessarily need to be replaced. MJ sits on the counter and watches you.

"Come on, spill the beans. What's going on between you and Parker?"

Your body tenses, and it's a good thing you aren't facing her. Does she know? You definitely can't say anything and risk her finding out because of you. That would make this whole situation even worse.

"Nothing, we just haven't had time to hang out lately." You shut the freezer and open the bread racks to make sure everything is organized.

"Pete told me you two had a fight, but I want specifics. I've never seen you two apart this much, and I don't like it." MJ hops off the counter and pulls your shoulder, so you have to face her. The door to the bread racks shuts behind you.

"Well the reason we fought is that I said something I shouldn't have and I can't give you specifics because then I'd just be doing it again. Drop it. He doesn't trust me anymore, I don't know if we'll ever be friends again." You turn around again, but you're just facing a bread rack. You can't really get around her without looking at her.

"Did you find out that he's..." In the reflection of the glass, you see her look around the empty shop," Spider-Man?"

You turn around as fast as you can. "You knew?"

MJ realizes that you might be a little upset that she knows, but she's good at hiding what she thinks with her facial expressions. "Yeah, a lot of things went down on our summer trip, and I figured it out. Is that how you found out? He's not very good at hiding it, but he's very protective of his identity, so I'm sure he flipped out."

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