Not So Boring

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Ian was surprised when he saw the young woman he had told his men to grab, she was beautiful and it kind of made him feel bad for scaring her so much.

Jasmine was still holding the Declaration tight to her chest with her back pressed to the corner of the van, staring at her captors.

"Why don't you just hand that over here and we can all go home?" Ian asked reaching out for it.

"No!" Jasmine said with more confidence then she felt, just then the van jerked violently around causing everyone to go everywhere. Jasmine was thrown straight into Ian's arms as Ian crashed into his right hand man, Shaw. Ian tried to grab the Declaration from Jasmine but she ducked away just as the van jerked to the right causing Shaw to crash into Ian.

Jasmine grabbed the door handle and jerked it as hard as she could. The door opened dragging her with it.

"Oh, God." Ian cursed and tried to reach the declaration that was still in her hand.

Riley and Ben were right behind them and when Jasmine came swinging out holding onto the door for dear life Riley pulled up beside them and Ben reached out to grab her. Their fingers brushed but they were still to far away. Jasmine caught sight of Abigail standing behind Ben.

Shaw pulled his gun and aimed out the door at Ben but Ian pulled him back.

"No, if she falls the Document falls with her!"

They drove over a bump and the door came swinging closed. Ian was going to just grab the Declaration from her but he could not just let her head be smashed in the door so he grabbed her just before her head would have connected and pulled her inside the van again. Ian and Jasmine landed on the messy van floor as Shaw pulled the swinging door closed.

Ian grabbed the document from her and passed it to Shaw so he could get up. Ian frowned as he notice why Jasmine did not try to get it back, she was unconscious from hitting her head on a fallen frying pan.

"Phil, sit her up in the corner." Ian said and stood up to take the Declaration from Shaw.

"We got it." He laughed as he slid the plastic off, His joyful eyes turned stone cold as he saw the the sale sticker on it. Ian clenched his jaw as he crumbled the fake Declaration of Independence. "Well done Ben, well done." He grumbled.

Ian looked over at the young woman who was now waking up.

"Looks like we have ourselves a bargaining chip." Ian said to his men.

Jasmine POV-

I woke up with one hell of a headache then I remembered where I was. The blonde man stood across from where I was on the floor talking to the bald man.

"What's your name?" The Blonde man smiled a handsome smile, I considered lying but then thought against it.

"Jasmine Chase." I said. "And you?" I swallowed hard pulling my knees to my chest. He chuckled and leaned back against the wall.

"I'm Ian Howe, this is Shaw, Phil, Viktor, Mcgregor, and Shippen." He pointed at each of them. "Welcome to our little gang." Some of them smiled, some not.

"Why am I here?" I asked looking back at Ian.

"Ahem, you're my prisoner, I'll asked the questions." Ian said making some of his friends laugh. "What were you doing with Ben Gates?"

"I've never met anyone by that name." I said quietly.

"You were just taking to him, you took this from him!" Shaw said kicking what looked to be a crumpled up reprint of the Declaration of Independence at me.

"He said his name was Paul Brown," I said hugging my knees rocking slightly. "He told us the Declaration was going to be stolen, I think my sister is with him, that's all I know about him."

They did not ask anymore questions, I did not ask anymore questions, they just drove on.

I found myself staring at Ian's hair, it looked so very soft and silky, I almost wanted to touch it, it looked just the right length to run a hand through.

I groaned in my head and buried my head in my arms. 'The first really handsome guy I meet and he's the one that kidnaps me! Why me!?'

Third Person POV-

Ian heard a quiet groan and looked down at Jasmine who was rocking back and forth with her head in her arms. Ian felt bad for dragging her into this. She just looked so scared that Ian wanted to tell her that everything was going to be alright and that she wouldn't be hurt, but really, why trust the men that just kidnapped you?

Ian watched as Jasmine turned her head to gaze at the wall and he saw the tear sliding across her cheek. Ian could not take watching the poor scared girl anymore and walked up front to talk to the driver.

They got to the hotel they were staying at. They got out, took off there black leather jackets and went in.

Ian stayed behind keeping Jasmine with him.

"It would be better if the receptionist didn't see half a dozen men going into a hotel room with one young lady." Ian smiled as he closed them into the van. "So we are going to go in a little after."

"Okay," Jasmine whispered now standing in the corning she was put in. "Why... Why'd you want the declaration?" She asked after she built up the nerve to do so. Ian gave her a look as if jokingly reminding her that she was the captive but then he laughed.

"Because, there's a map on the back."

"But I've seen the back of it myself, there's just a date." Jasmine said interested in what he was saying.

Jasmine's POV-

"Here." He pulled out a paper from his pocket and held it out to me. "Solve this." I hesitantly took it from him and read it over.

"A legend writ, the stain affected,

the key in Silence undetected.

Fifty-five in iron pen,

Mr. Matlack can't offend."

"Fifty-five in iron pen... Declaration of Independence." I mumbled in thought. " A legend.. A map? Um.. Stain... Can't offend. It's invisible?" I looked up at Ian who was just standing there watching me.

"Very good, you got that faster than Gates did." Ian smiled before opening the door and jumping out. "Come on."

I could not just jump out in high heels so I squatted down to step out but Ian lifted me out by my waist causing me to squeak.

We got up into the hotel room and found Phil failing to cook noodles, Powell and Shippen watching TV, and Shaw doing something on his laptop.

I sat at the kitchen table where Ian put me and kept thinking on the riddle Ian gave me.

'A legend isn't a map, it's a way to read a map, but what map? The key... You need a legend for the key to make sense, right? The key is in.. Silence. It's undetected in Silence. Why was the word Silence capitalized? Because it's not a verb but a name or place!'

Shippen and Powell came in complaining about gross food.

"Hey, can you cook?" Shippen asked but I did not know he was talking to me because I was still thinking. "Hey, Girly, can you cook?" He said and I looked up at him.

"Umm, yes." I said and they all stepped away from the stove.

"Would you please?" Phil asked and I almost laughed at their antics.

I rummaged around the kitchen and found stuff to make a noodle stir-fry. When it was done everyone came into eat it and I was tempted to scold Shaw for bring his laptop to the dinner table but thought against it.

They really weren't or at least didn't seem like killers and criminals or even kidnapper but more like normal men.

Ian showed me to a room and left me so I washed the make up off my face and crawled into bed.

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