Gender Non-Conforming

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Gender Non-Conforming (GNC), also known as gender variant, refers to people whose gender presentation does not align with their actual gender. Many transgender people, especially those who identify as non-binary and/or genderqueer, are seen as gender non-conforming. However, this term can also be applied to those with a cisgender gender identity who do not fit societal stereotypes of that gender.

Some labels exist to signify one's gender presentation, such as butch, femme , vermil, cerul, and pewt among others.

The one uses are also a form of gender presentation. Using pronouns that aren't typically associated with one's gender is also a form of gender non-conformity. Examples include he/him, lesbian, she/her, gays as well as non-binary people who use he/him or she/her pronouns, and binary men and women who use they/them pronouns.

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