By the Empress' Will (Edelgard x Male Reader)

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??? POV

After five long years, Edelgard continued her search for the professor. Every search party that had come back from their search with no results were ordered to return to their search areas until they found at least a small sign of the professor. Though she and I had been going out since three years after the professor's disappearance. We both had been worried for our beloved professor.

"I want none of you back until the professor has been found! Understood?" Edelgard asks as the scouts looked at her with fear clearly evident on their faces. I pity them. They were all recruited just a few weeks ago. I slowly walked up to Edlegard and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Do not worry my dear. The professor will surely look for us once he wakes. He may not have shown it, but he truly cared for all of us. He cared for us like we were his own children," I say to her, hoping that she would calm down and smile just a bit.

"You're right Y/N. His face always seemed so cold, yet his eyes felt warm. He truly enjoyed himself when he was watching over us," she replied to me as she turned around and hugged me, "And by the way, please don't do this in front of the new recruits."

I chuckled and laughed as I looked at her blushing face. "You know I can't necessarily do that right? Someone has got to make sure you don't yell their heads off. That's why I'm here as your companion." After saying that, a squad rushed in and interrupted us.

"Lady Edelgard! The professor has been found on his way to the monastery chapel! We believe he may be looking for his class of students who fought in the downfall of Garreg Mach five years ago."

After hearing this, Edelgard and I quickly took off towards the monastery by ourselves to go meet our long been gone professor. After a while we had arrived and began searching throughout the monastery. Looking through the old marketplace, the dorms, and lastly the chapel. When soon we eventually just headed up the Tower of the Goddess and took a break. Both of us looking to the sky.

"I guess the reports were false. We looked all around, yet we never found the professor anywhere," Edelgard said as she sat down and looked up to the stars. I walked up and sat next to her.

"Don't worry Edie. The professor is sure to turn up. Like I said, he would want nothing more than to see all his students again," I say as I pet her hair. Soothing her before I hear footsteps from behind us. I quickly stand up and bring up my sword to the oncoming intruder before immediately lowering it in shock. "Professor?"

Some Time Later

After finding the professor at the monastery, Edie and I went back to Enbarr. Both of us hanging out in her room. Hubert was off in the war room checking out the map for Gronder Field, so we were alone. "Y/N?" Edie calls out as she sat at the edge of her bed.

"Yes Edie?" I ask as I turn towards her. Giving her my full attention.

"I want to thank you for being there for me these past 5 years. I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm grateful that you've been there for me this whole time. Even before this war had started," she starts off looking down at her hands, "From our first battle, to us finding the professor. You've always put me before yourself. Put yourself in extreme danger to see me safe. No one can quite do what you can with sleep might I add." Both of us let out a slight chuckle at her remark towards Hubert.

"Edie. It would be my pleasure to see your dream become reality. Whether I be your guard, your lover, or even just a friend. I would lay down my life for you and your drea-" I reply before being cut off.

"No! No more risking your life for me. Everytime I see you get hurt I feel my heart hurt just a bit more. When I see you still breathing, I release a breathe I've been holding that I have not realized I was holding. Your scars bring pain to my chest as I look back to all the years of you being hurt because of me," Edie said as she looked to me. Her eyes red and a few tear streaks on her face. I bring her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry Edie. I won't put myself in harm's way anymore. For you," I say as I run my hand through her hair. She then caught me off guard and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly.

"Thank you N/N."

A/N: Hello I am sort of back with the first one shot for this book. Edelgard x male reader. I understand that the first two-thirds was just looking for Byleth. Though in my defense, I wanted to use that to have a bit more of a backstory or insight to Edelgard and Y/N's relationship. Anyways, as usual I hope you guys have enjoyed and I will see you all in the next one. Ciao!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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