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   "Ok so that's done with." Joshua sighed as he face planted onto the couch. The 5 of them just returned from their cafe trip, but not without the battle of driving home.

  "At least we got to know some facts about ourselves and our friends and boyfriends." Jeonghan adds as he kicked off his shoes, he truly missed his old worn out sneakers.

  "Ok but there is still more we need to know about ourselves. So look around, one of us must have a scrapbook or something." Joshua says as they all spilt up to look around.

  Jeonghan didn't get far before his phone rang. "Uhhh hello?" He spoke. He nearly dropped the phone from the other voice.

  "Oh hi Cheollie. What's up?" Jeonghan asked walking back into the living room. Catching attention from the others.

"Yeah sure. When?" Jeonghan asked.


"Yeah Ig that'll work, I'll ask the boys."

"Bye, love you too." Jeonghan said ending the call. All the other 4 look at Jeonghan in confusion.

  "What just happened?" Woozi asked and Jeonghan just bit his lip anxiously.

"Ok so Seungcheol called and he asked if we, plus Vernon and Hoshi would like to join him and his family for some formal dinner at this fancy sounding restaurant, tomorrow evening. " Jeonghan said.

  Panic broke lose between Dk, Seungkwan and Woozi. Like at some point it looked like their heads would come flying off.

"Ok! Hey people! Imma need y'all to put both of those remaining brain cells together and work with me here, OKAY!?" Jeonghan clapped his hands.

  "We're not 'formal dining room people'  Han. We are still 13 remember." Joshua reminded Jeonghan who nodded.

  "But still, that doesn't matter right now. We still need to ask as if we are 20 years old. And if that means we eat like 20 year olds at some old people restuarant. Than so be it." Jeonghan said like he was giving some big speech.

  "Congratulations, you're wittier than the bully that tormented me in 3rd grade." Woozi sarcastically clapped.

  "And plus it's an excuse to play fancy dress up." Seungkwan added and received a hit to the face with a pillow. Delivered by Woozi.

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