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  "Hey can you pick me up?" Jeonghan asked. He was standing outside his house. Laying down on the driveway, he decided to give it a shot and call Seungcheol.

  Less than 5 minutes later Seungcheol came and parked his car. "Hannie?" Seungcheol asked hovering over Jeonghan who stared right through him.

"Hey, what happened?" Seungcheol asked picking Jeonghan up. Who immediately leaned into the touch.

  "Can we just leave please." Jeonghan whispered, trying not to break down. Seungcheol, understanding the minimum of the current situation nodded and brought Jeonghan to his car.

"Here, do you want something to eat?" Seungcheol asked as Jeonghan sat down on the couch, tired and hungry.

  "Would you make me noodles?" Jeonghan asked quietly and Seungcheol nodded. "Than can you make me noodles but instead of pour butter on them can you pour peanutbutter. Then top it

  "Your odd Hannie." Seungcheol shook his head with a chuckle as he started racking the pantry for ingredients.

  "I got into a fight with the boys."  Jeonghan said loud enough for Seungcheol to hear.

  "Wanna tell me what about?" Seungcheol asked melting the peanutbutter in a pan.

  Jeonghan thought for a moment on how to explain his situation without telling Seungcheol the whole truth, and not sounding completely loony.

"Well we all can sense us drifting apart. And we think it's the fact that we've grown up and boyfriends now. Choices back then were so easy and we always agreed on things together.

  Now we all have our own opinions." Jeonghan sniffles. Seungcheol sits down next to him and hands Jeonghan his bowl of noodles.

  "Well Hannie, me and my group have gotten in so many arguments like this before. It's just apart of growing up and being adults I guess." Seungcheol said.

"But what will truly proves you guys as bestfriends is how you all decide to handle it."

  Jeonghan's eyes widen as he chokes on his noodles. "THAT'S IT! I KNOW HOW TO GET US BACK!" He cheered hugging Seungcheol tightly pressing a million kisses across his face.

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