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 Grimmchild wasn't sure when they fell asleep. One minute, they were playing a game with the novices. The next, they were waking up on a ledge in one of the troupe's tents. As they hopped off the ledge, they noticed a change in the air. The air was cooler than normal, and the wind outside sounded calmer. As they walked down the corridor, they noticed that even the ground was colder than normal. When they got past the curtain, they walked into an arena with dark lanterns hanging from the rafters. "It's bigger than the one we trained in," they whispered in awe, "Is this the stage that dad performs in?" They kept walking until they got to the exit and saw the Grimmsteeds standing guard by the entrance. They wanted to ask where they were, but the steeds seemed to tense for that. "Is this place dangerous?" they thought as they saw Divine scoot out of her tent.

"Divine!" they called as they ran up to her.

"Why, hello young master!" she replied with a smile, "You look well! I knew red would be a wonderful color on you."

The Grimmchild took a moment to process her words before they finally looked down at their own body. Their once gray carapace was now a deep red and a brighter shade dyed the inside of their cape-like wings. Their eyes widened and a bright smile appeared on their face, "It finally happened! I'm red now! Wait till I tell dad! He'll be so happy, and then we can explore this place! Maybe we can even find my bearer here and we can all play together!" They were confused when they saw the sad smile on her face.

"Child," Divine said while gently laying a claw on their shoulder, "there is something that I must tell you." They looked up at her as she continued, "Your father, Grimm, is dead. He can never come home. Your red color is proof that the last of his flame rests with you."

They shook Divine off, "No, you're wrong. I was gray before because I was too young to have his colors. I'm older and stronger now, and that's why I turned red. Dad's not dead... he's too strong to be dead..."

"Young master," Divine sighed as she reached for them again, "You must understand. Grimm is-."

"HE'S ALIVE!" they shouted as their tears fell, "He's alive! I know he is! He probably went ahead to look for my bearer. He said that I could meet them someday, so that's where he is! I know it!"

"Grimmchild!" was all they heard from Divine as they tried to run into the vaguely familiar town only to be held back by the Grimmsteeds that guarded the tents.

"Let go of me!" they shouted as they struggled against the bugs.

"Master please," the steeds said through their masks, "You mustn't venture off. It is too dangerous."

"LET GO OF ME!" They lifted their head and spat fire, something they hadn't done since they were little. But, this attack was different. It wasn't just a fireball like usual, but a hoard of screeching fire bats. The sound of them alone was enough to spook the steeds into letting them go. But as they slipped out of their grasp, a new face stopped them. A being with white horns, gray cape and empty eyes. "Who are you?"

If Ghost could show emotion, they were sure they would be staring in shock. The small little Grimmchild that they lead around Hallownest had grown into a miniature version of the bug they helped banish. The only difference was that this was the first time Ghost had seen Grimmchild so sad. "Who are you?" they said, clearly wary of their sudden visit.

Ghost pulled out another map and scribbled on it before turning it to Grimmchild, -Called Ghost. I called the troupe.-

"You summoned us?" the Grimmchild whispered, "So, does that mean you're my bearer?"

"That's correct, young master," Divine said as she moved between them, "This little lovely is your bearer," she glared at Ghost, "They are also the same bug that helped a filthy little traitor banish us before the ritual was complete. If Grimm had not found you in time, this bug would have caused your end."

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