● Behind Closed Doors ●

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"HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN!" Chief Bang bellows as he slams his chubby fists against his desk, paperwork scatters off the desk and onto the floor as he lashes out at Yoongi and Namjoon.

Livid couldn't even describe how Chief Bang was feeling when he found out how much of a disaster the operation was. Five people found dead and the killer escaped right under their noses.

After so many months of dealing with this killer, Chief Bang was sure they were going to nab him, he even put Namjoon in charge, trusting the young detective's skills. But in the end, the mission was a colossal fuck up, and not only that, the press is all over the crime scene like rats picking scraps of food to feed to the media.

The phones have been ringing non stop,  the station is in an uproar, and Namjoon and Yoongi are just standing in the middle of Chief Bang's office, looking grim as ever.

"Someone tell me what the fuck just happened out there!" He shouts, looking right at Namjoon for an answer.

The detective visibly gulps, his face pale as ever as he tries to summarize a logical explanation as to what happened.

In all honesty, Namjoon has no idea what to say. Everything happened so fast that the next thing he knew, he was covered in blood and trying not to get trampled under the mass crowd of hysteric club goers. Not to mention he had caught Yoongi seconds from killing someone with his bare hands, most likely he knew Yoongi was triggered by the blood.

"Sir, the operation was going smoothly. We had all our men on watch, but the killer was one step ahead of us."

"The bastard is always a step ahead of us, as usual." Again, the Chief slams his fist against his desk, rattling his half empty coffee mug.

The tension in the roof was suffocating, making Yoongi grimace and roll his eyes with a stiff yawn. It's fucking late, he's tired, covered in blood, and all he wants to do is sleep.

Was he annoyed that the killer got away? Sure he was, but he knows screaming about it won't solve the problem. They need to back track and review all the evidence at the crime scene. He was sure the killer had left a clue.

"Namjoon, I'm disappointed in you." Those words shot through Namjoon's heart, paralyzing him with shock. "I put you on this case because I trusted you, but after months of no results, and after that mess in the night club, I've decided to pull you and Yoongi off the case."

It was as if someone had pulled the rug from underneath Namjoon's feet, plummeting him into his own despair. His knees buckles, throat suddenly going dry, making him gasp a little as he tries to keep his composure.

Yoongi exhales deeply, already exhausted by today's events. This news just sets them back even further from catching the killer and he knows who ever will be in charge of this case won't have any luck in finding the killer either.

"You're making a mistake taking us off the case, but whatever, I'm so fucking done." Yoongi scoffs and walks to the door, but stops and looks at his boss, whom was seconds away from blowing a fuse. "When you're finished having your period, call me and we'll talk like men."

With that he leaves, quickly shutting the door before Chief Bang could throw something at him.

"Chief, please don't take us off this case." Namjoon finally speaks up and approaches his boss, palming his hands together. "Give us another chance! I know we can catch this fucker!! Let us go back to the crime scene!"

"I already made my decision Detective Kim. Detective Choi Seung-hyun and his partner Detective Kang Daesung will be taking over this case. They are veteran detectives with more experience than you." Chief Bang sighs, disappointed in Namjoon.

"No! Sir please, give me another chance!!" Namjoon persists.

"I said no, Namjoon."

"But father-"

"I SAID NO!" Namjoon flinches as Chief Bang grabs him by the front of his shirt, nearly yanking him over the desk. "And don't you ever call me by that name ever again." He seethes, eyes flaring with rage and resentment. "I may have raised you, but we do not share the same blood. Do I make myself clear?"

Namjoon gulps, fighting back his tears as he gives a small nod. "Yes...sir." he says and Chief Bang lets him go before sitting back down on his chair with a grunt.

"You're dismissed until further notice. Be grateful that I didn't put you on desk duty for the rest of your career and toss Yoongi back into the mental hospital."

That hit a nerve.

Namjoon's jaw clenches, eyes going sharp as his shoulders tense and his nerves rise. "If you wanna play that way, then be fucking grateful your fat ass is sitting in that chair."

"Excuse me!? How dare you speak to me like that!" Chief Bang slams his hands on the desk again. Namjoon does the same, challenging him.

"If you send Yoongi to a mental hospital,  I'll personally make sure you rot in a prison cell for the rest of your fucking life." Namjoon goes off. "After all, it's thanks to Yoongi that you are sitting in that chair as the Chief of Police while the last guy is six feet under with a bullet to the head."

Chief Bang opens his mouth, but quickly shuts it, unable to deny that argument. It's true, when Yoongi was a serial killer, Chief Bang was a homicide detective wanting to take the position of Chief. He was so close, but he needed a extra push, so he got Yoongi to kill the old Chief of Police, but in return, he put Yoongi in a mental hospital.

Fucked up? Yes, it definitely was.

Namjoon found out, but at the time, he was a rookie trying to clean his own record, so there wasn't much he can do but support Yoongi in his recovery.

That's why Yoongi resents Chief Bang and Namjoon so much. Although he was damned in the hospital, he was rehabilitated after a few years, and as compensation for his efforts, they made him a detective. Well, they pulled a few strings and paid some people off. Like seriously, Yoongi is not even qualified to be a police officer, let alone detective.

The power of corruption has no limits. 

"Now that we are clear, I want you to put Yoongi and I back on the case. I know we can catch this killer, trust us." Namjoon keeps his tone firm and steady, even grinning when he sees the Chief falter just a little.

"I already made the decision, but, if in one month they can't find the killer, then I'll put you and Yoongi back on."

One month? It's not what Namjoon wanted but he knows the Chief won't budge from that offer. "Fine." He accepts. "But until then, what are we going to do?"

The Chief bites his lip to suppress his anger as he opens his drawer and takes out a blue file, tossing it on the desk in front of Namjoon. "Remember the Riverfall Hotel? We looked into the case and something is off. We believe someone from the hotel is involved with that murder. Read the files then go back and investigate."

Namjoon takes the file and opens it, skimming through the details of the forensic teams findings. He was oddly excited, perhaps because he'll get to see Kim Seokjin again. After all, he still has so many questions to ask him.

"Very well, I'll take the case. I'll inform Yoongi and we'll head out tomorrow." Namjoon says as he closes the file and gives a bow to the Chief. "I'm glad we can come to an agreement. I'd hate it if our station fell into a scandal because of a corrupt Chief of Police."

"Son of a-" the Chief holds in his words, clenching his fist as he glares at Namjoon. "I swear you and your boyfriend-"

"Ex-boyfriend." Namjoon exclaims. "Yoongi made it clear when he threatened to chop my dick off and feed it to you." He adds.

"Get the fuck out of my office." Chief Bang mutters, already groaning with a headache. 

"Yes, sir." Namjoon salutes his boss then bows again before leaving with a dimpled smile on his face.

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