🦊~BT21 Characters~🦊

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(Jackson is hot-)

WElp, I'm high on sugar again (well not really). This is the series where BTS, including Y/n will design their BT21 characters.

The fox above is not the design. It will be shown in the story below.



Third Person P.O.V

The BTS gang were currently entering the LINE FRIENDS building that was filled with cute and chibi designs of animals displayed neatly in the building.

The guys then entered a room with a table filled with markers and drawing pads for the eight of them. Y/n seated herself next to Jimin and Jungkook.

The man then explained to BTS why they were here.

He explained this was a project going on between BTS and LINE FRIENDS and that they are making little characters to contribute to this project.

The creator then told them that we can let their imaginations run wild and start making the characters that would make a huge impact on the world.

The gang then got to work, a few laughs were thrown around here and there, and some were having a hard time with the drawing.

*cOuGh* CoUgH* Hoseok *cOuGh*

He was thinking of drawing a horse. But he didn't know how to draw one.

"How do I draw a horse?" He asked.

"Just look in the mirror and draw yourself." Jungkook replied in a teasing manner while
Y/n was trying to hold in her laughter.

"There is a camera here. Don't make me swear."

Taehyung then asked who is going to help them redesign the characters and the host replied saying that someone was already invited to help them.

The artists then entered and the idols greeted them while bowing elegantly. The artists and hen said they can design whatever they want and they would fix it afterwards.

The gang then got to work.

*Time skipu cuz I'm a lazy fucc*

Jin thought of drawing an alpaca because people say he looks like one when he's eating or mumbling, plus he says alpacas are hot these days (He actually said that smh I-).

Meanwhile Hoseok was failing so hard at the horse.

He tried drawing wings and antenna on it to make it look cute, but Jin looked at it in disbelief.

"How can that become a real thing!?"

"I tried!!"

"Jin, just got easy on him please." Namjoon said while trying to kill the weird argument going on.


Jungkook was drawing a bunny with large eyebrows while Y/n watched him in admiration.

"Ohhh~ just add muscles to it and then it will be like you." Y/n said while he chuckled lightly.

Y/n then went back to her cute drawing of a fox. She designed it with big eyes and fluffy fur, it looked like a regular fox, but cuter.

"Awww Y/n-ah~ that's so cute!" Jimin gushed next to her.

"Thank you! I like yours too!" She said while gesturing to Jimin's puppy.

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