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My favorite Run BTS episode. I love this one so much I just can't resist writing it!! I hope this is enough for you guys!!

This chapter will be short because my lazy ass doesn't want to watch the video more then 50 times.



Third Person P.O.V

You and BTS were filming an episode for Run BTS! Apparently, you guys were going on a tour to a closed zoo.

The rest of you guys entered the bus, you were seated in between Jimin and Jungkook while waiting anxiously for the ride to start. The bus then started up and drove off to the abyss of darkness. You guys tried to find some animals, specifically tigers.

You wanted to tease them a little for fun and pretend you found a tiger, so you being the evil maknae you were, you made them fall into your trap.

"Look! There is a tiger!!"

The boys then turned to your window to spot the nonexistent tiger, but they figured you out and Jungkook slapped you.


"That's what you get you jerk." Jungkook chortled which earned laughs and giggles from the other boys.

You guys enjoyed the ride for a solid five minutes until it came to a stop. The rest of you looked around in disbelief. A scream then scream erupted from the guard's throat and you turned around to see pale and fleshed out zombies banging on your bus window.

"DIOS MÍO!!!" You screamed in Spanish.
(That means oh my god).


A guard then entered the bus and dragged away a terrified and screeching Hoseok to move some of the objects blocking the road. You cling onto Jimin's shirt while he just stood there with shook eyes.

After a while, Hoseok entered the bus dashing (dashi run run run) to the nearest seat while a zombie trailed behind him. The guards were able to get rid of the zombie, but Hoseok fell on top of Seokjin and Taehyung, making you laugh at their position.


"YOU FELL ON TOP OF THEM!!" You exclaimed which made Jimin and Jungkook snort at your remark.

You guys were then instructed to go outside and try to pull of letters from the zombies to be put in teams, those teams will find clues and solve puzzles in some sort of mental asylum building. You were high key terrified and pretty much clinging onto Seokjin like a koala.

"Ahh why are you holding me, N/n~?"

"I'm scared~~~" You whined while pouting which made him awe at your cuteness.

Everyone got off the bus and a whistle was blown indicating that the game started.

You guys then started running around, like prisoners that were escaping jail, to find the letters. Adrenaline was pumping through your system and your eyes scanned the area warily.

You then eyed a letter that was stuck onto a zombie who was being distracted by Taehyung. He then yelled at you playfully for taking his letter and you just giggled.

Everyone then reached the safe zone and you ended up with Yoongi and Seokjin, which made the other members groan in agony.

"Why are guys so upset!?"

"You and Jin Hyung are the loudest together!! We will hear you scream every five seconds!!" Jungkook exclaimed which made everyone laugh.

You guys then entered and it was a living nightmare, but it was a bonus for you because you were the ace at finding the fun passes. But you and Seokjin kept screaming so much that you even got scared by your own cameramen. At one point, Seokjin and Yoongi dressed up like zombies to blend in with the foreign zombies (that's what they were calling them).

You passed a few teams and they looked at the older members in disbelief and questioning their decisions.

In the end, all the teams failed and you had to go through a mission impossible laser thing to pass the level. After a few failed attempts, you succeeded and let everyone out.

The next game was playing freeze tag with the zombies, my god you screamed in disbelief when they mentioned it because your knees were buckling like jelly.

You had a bunch of stickers on you at the end of the game to unfreeze you by the end of it, with two on your face too, making the boys laugh at your pained appearance.

"Aish, Y/n-ah you were so bad at this game."

"Shush you twig."

You guys then summed up how many fun passes you guys had and in the end, you had the most from both games (you had 8). It was a win for you because the boys had to pay for boba except you.

You guys then did your signature outro, ending the episode of Run BTS!!


That was the Zombie episode!! I made it shorter cuz ya girl is lazy asf, but I at least updated for this week!!

I'm also working on a Haechan x reader story!! That's partly the reason why I'm cramping my uploads, but it will be worth the wait (at least I hope it is)!!!


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