The Uchiha Clans Kyuubi no Kitsune Ch. 1

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(Not gonna start with Kushina and Minato talking and shit, we goin strait to Kurami!)

Kurami POV

Once I was sealed inside this pour boy I began trying to transform him into a fox "I'm sorry kit if you didn't want this but it's probably the only way for people to move on," I said to the crying child Naruto who stopped crying and let me work. In seconds the boy was turned into a Nine-Tailed Fox with blonde fur and white tips at the end of his tail. He had deep blue kitsune eyes that could put anyone in a trance because of their cuteness.

After I finished the Third arrived and saw the fox on the sealing stone. He walked over as I created a note for him to read. He grabbed the note and began reading "Hello Lord Third, I am the Kyuubi no Kitsune and I have just saved this boy from your villagers who will surely hate him. I am sorry but someone put me under a powerful genjutsu stopping me from controlling myself and thus cost the life of your Hokage and his wife. Please give Naruto to the Uchiha clan head and let him/her care for Naruto. Tell them the truth and what he is so they might protect him.

-Yours truly, the Kyuubi no Kitsune"

As he finished reading the note he nodded "Kyuubi I know you can hear me and I accept everything you have done. I will tell them Minato had killed the fox but with the cost of his own life. And please take care of Naruto." I forced Naruto to yip in agreement so I could talk and he nodded "Dog! Take Naruto to Fugaku. Tell him everything that has happened and that I expect him to join the council to give me updated on Naruto. Tell him this is an S-Rank mission only for three groups, The Hokage, Hokage ANBU, and the Uchiha Clan for they are the only ones the Kitsune trusts!" And with that Dog nodded before picking up the small Nine-Tailed Fox that is Naruto and running to the Uchiha Compound.

The second we arrived we saw Uchiha walking around calmly for the fox is now gone. Dog found Fugaku talking to other members of the village police but stopped seeing Dog. Fugaku walked over to Dog and asked "So what are you doing here Dog?" Dog looked at him and began relaying what I said. At the end Fugaku nodded "So we've been given the honor of taking care of Lord Fourths son, I accept the mission of safe guarding the Kyuubi no Kitsune Jinchuriki and son of the Fourth Hokage," he said and Naruto tipped randomly making a woman nearby release an "Kawaii!"

After Village Repairs

It had taken nine months to repair the village and due to Naruto being a fox right now he was running around. I gave him free rain on his form in the Uchiha Compound but outside of it he's supposed to remain in fox form.

Fugaku's wife Mikoto who was really close friends with Kushina wants to take care of Naruto more than anyone.

2 Years Later

Naruto is playing around with Mikoto and Fugaku's son Sasuke. They were messing around and somehow Naruto transformed into his human form. He looked around and began freaking out "What the hell's going on!?" But like on que I pulled him into his Mindscape.

The second he appeared in the Mindscape he looked around. He found me and walked over "Hello Miss ummmmmmm, do you by any chance know where I am?" I laughed at his shyness "Your inside your Mindscape Kit," I told him and he nodded but asked another question "Why do I look like a human all of a sudden?" I gained a serious expression "Well in the first place this is your natural form, you were always human. I had turned you into a fox so the villagers would think I had died and you would be safer as one. Now your mother and father are the Forth Hokage Minato Namikaze and your mother was the Red Death Kushina Uzumaki."

After I finished explaining things to him he said with a laugh at the end "Guess it's time to learn how to be human!" I joined his laugh "Well you can be both and I'm going to give you two gifts," this got his attention quickly "The first is that I will make your hair style like your father's but your hair itself will be red like your mother's. And for the second you will have Mokuton and all of the base elements," he seemed to get really happy about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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