Chapter 25 -

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Chapter 25: cut the act

Chapter 25: cut the act

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It was the cast's last day in Delaware before heading off to New York for their 3rd to last stop. The six teens were currently on a private bus which was taking them to a studio to do an interview for Good Morning America.

It was 5:20 am and half the teens were sleeping. Finn and Millie sat towards the back of the bus with their heads leaned against each other as they napped. The two barely got any sleep with staying up late to take care of Louie who is a very energetic puppy.

"Do you think maybe we should make our relationship public?" Caleb whispered to Sadie as she played with his hands. The two were sitting a few rows up from Finn and Millie. They were trying to be as quiet as possible not wanting to wake the others up.

"You want to go public?" Sadie asked as she stopped playing with his hands to look at him.

Caleb nodded turning his body to fully face her. "I mean yea! Of course." He lowered his voice. "I don't want to keep us a secret from the world. I want to be able to hold your hand in public.. To show you off." He said before placing a small kiss on the palm of her hand. "I know you're scared what could happen if the world knows about us.. and you want to keep us a secret as long as we can. But I love you and I will do whatever I can to make sure that nobody keeps us apart."

A small tear rolled down her cheek as she beamed at him. She cupped his face in her hands and captured his lips onto hers. Caleb smiled as soon as they pulled away. The rested their foreheads onto each other. "I love you Caleb." She whispered.

Caleb pulled his forehead away from hers to look at her. He gazed into her blue eyes. "And I love you Sadie." He said before they crashed their lips once more.

Once the cast arrived to the studio, they were immediately taken in for touch ups. The interview was going to be live and air at 7:00 am. They were 10 minutes into doing the live interview and everything was going smoothly. So far they were asked about the new season, and talked about the trailer.

"Okay so we talked about the new season, which we are all very anxious and excited to leave Hawkins!.. But lets talk about Romance." The interviewer said wiggling his eyebrows. "So I know in the show all the teens are in relationships. Except for Will."

Noah frowned as the rest laughed softly.

"Will there be a love interest in the upcoming season for Will that you can tell us?" He asked.

Noah let out a deep sigh. "I don't know. You'll have to ask the Duffers about that one." He said honestly.

The interviewer frowned. "awh come on Duffers! Don't leave Will out! He needs a partner!"

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