First Day of Work-Chapter 4 (TGD)

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Jenny walked into the office the next morning all smiles. She walked to the front desk and set her purse down gently and flicked the computer on.  Beth watched her from her office one eyebrow raised. Jenny softly hummed as the computer warmed up and blinked to life. She wandered into the break room and poured herself some coffee and grabbed a banana. Wandering back to the front office, she sat down and rolled up to the desk and logged into the system.  She took a moment to check work email before she ate her banana and drank her coffee.

Suddenly Beth was in front of her dropping down some paper work before her.

“I need you to look though these files and make sure everyone has completed their paper work. If they haven’t, set it aside and come back to it. Once you have gone though it the first time go over any ones you had to set aside. If there is a number in it call it and see if they will come in to finish the paper work. If not give it to me so I can look at it.” Beth told her.

Jenny nodded and picked the files up and set them in her lap before rolling over to a different part of the desk and starting to work.  Just then Leland walked into the office. Jenny looked up and flushed before looking back down. Beth went back to her office and watched them carefully. She couldn’t hear them but she could see them and that was all that mattered to her.

“Hey there. I had an awesome time last night.” Leland said softly to Jenny.

She smiled and flushed lightly. “So did I. Thank you for it.”

“My pleasure Jenny. Maybe we can do it again soon?” Leland asked gently making her look at him.

Jenny stammered softly. “Y…yes. I would like that very much.”

He smiled. “How about week after next? I have the boys next weekend and I wanna spend as much time with them as I can.”

She smiled. “Sounds like a plan. Call me and we can pick a time and place.”

Leland smiled at her and headed back toward the back room taking off his over jacket as he went. Jenny watched her eyes dancing slightly.

Beth shot a rubber band out her door and towards the front desk causing Jenny to jump and scramble to work.


*4 hours later*

Jenny pushed back from her desk and rubbed her eyes and then both her ears. Her eyes swam from all the paper work reading and her ears rang from being screamed at. Slowly she stood up and looked at the files before her. About six were off to the side for Beth, the rest were filled out and sorted by last name. She picked up the ones for Beth and walked to her office door and waited as she screamed into a phone.


Jenny made a note to disappear after she was done with Leland so Beth couldn’t find her, because honestly, it freaked her out when Beth yelled.

“Umm…Beth I have some files for you…” Jenny said softly.

Beth looked up and smiled. “Oh good! Thank you! Bring them here please.”

Jenny slowly walked in and set them down. “All the rest are done and organized and ready to be put up. What do I do?”

“Give them to Leland or Duane Lee and have them put them up. Thanks sista.” Beth said distractedly as she looked at the first file.

 Jenny slipped away from the office and grabbed the thick stack of files and heads towards Leland’s office.  Peaking in she saw he wasn’t in there so she headed towards Duane Lee’s office. She knocked softly on his closed door not sure if he was in or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2012 ⏰

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