My life was not like the ordinary.I did not grow up with the typical two parents and a nice house.My mom,a school teacher,was the most loving mother in the whole world.She changed my diapers and put the Big comfy couch on every time it was one.That was all that mattered to me.Instead of having my toe nails painted pink or buying me the latest doll that was advertised,she would give me the most basic thing that I still use today.Love.I was the typical rambunctious child who ran down the street from my mother because I wanted to go explore what we had in this strange world.Little did I know that not everyone has the perfect life that it is destined to be.Things happen for a reason and my past has shaped me into the person I am today... Everyone has a funny bone.My mother use to tell me "Oh Anne! You're your own funny bone." In that case I was.She was implying that I always make people laugh.That every part of me (from heart to head) was indeed a wholesome funny bone even broke and that caused it to be a bad bone too.