first times

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          Clara Sloan was a junior in high school. She was well respected by her classmates, and a good pupil. She had gotten mostly straight A's her whole life. Lucky for her, she inherited her mothers photographic memory. Her parents were two of the most successful surgeons in the country; Mark and Lexie Sloan, and they couldn't have been more proud of her.
         "Clara!" Her boyfriend- Nickolas Snyder- of one year called after her as he ran down the hall. "Do you want to come over tonight?" Nick asked as he leaned against the locker next to Clara's. He pushed a piece of his dark curly hair behind his ear. He had chocolate brown eyes that would make any girl swoon, especially his girl. In the sunlight they looked like little pools of honey.
        "Yeah, sure. I just have to check with my parents first." She replied, pulling her math textbook out. She shoved it into her backpack.
        "How's biology going?" He asked, taking her hand as they started down the hall to their final classes of the day.
         Clara slipped past a group of seniors. "It's great. My parents are basically an answer key." She chuckled.
         "It sounds great." He chuckled, too. "Alright, this is my stop." He stopped in front of Mr. Johnson's english class. "Let me know what your parents decide." He said, pecking her on the lips.
          "I will." She replied and watched him disappear into the room full of teenagers. She walked down the stairwell to get to her math class. She quickly texted her mother before heading in.
          At the end of the class, Clara met her best friend, Ellis Grey (who also happened to be her cousin) outside of the school. Ellis had shoulder length golden hair and blue eyes, unlike Clara's long brown hair and hazel eyes. "Hey," Clara greeted "how was school? How are things with Ethan?" She asked, nudging her side. Ethan was the boy Ellis had been crushing on since eighth grade. Clara was always telling her to ask him out, but she refused. She was always such a shy kid. He is completely smitten around you. Just ask him! Clara would say, to which Ellis would reply You're delusional.
        "Absolutely peachy." Ellis smiled sarcastically.
        "The spring formal is coming up. Ask him!" She nudged her side again, only to get her elbow smacked by her petite friend. "Ow!" She whined. She spotted Nick waiting by his car for her. "Alright, I gotta go. But I seriously think you should ask him." She said before splitting off and meeting up with her boyfriend.
        "What did they say?" He asked, pushing himself off of his car.
         Clara checked her texts quickly. "We're good to go." She smiled. She hopped in the passengers seat. Nick put his hand on her thigh as he drove to his house. This wasn't anything new, and yet it still gave Clara butterflies. She followed him inside his quiet, completely empty house. He had no siblings, and his parents worked all the time, and he had no pets. They lived much different lives. Clara had one older brother, and a dog. The only similarities their lives shared were their parents working all the time. And even then, her parents tried to be home as much as they could.
         They walked upstairs to Nick's room. They dropped their backpacks by his desk. Clara immediately pulled her school cardigan over her head and tossed it on her bag. She pulled out her english homework before sitting down next to Nick, who seemed to have the same idea. They opened up their books and started to read. Nick was sitting at the end of his bed, leaning against his wall, and Clara was against his headboard.
         Fifteen minutes into reading, Clara kicked him with her foot.
         Nick looked up at her, furrowing his eyebrows. Clara met his gaze "Hm?" She joked. She loved to mess with him. Nick looked down at his book only to get kicked again after ten minutes.
         He closed his book and started crawling up to her. "You're asking for it now." He said, beginning to tickle her sides.
         Screams of laughter came from Clara. She pushed her book to the ground. She tried to pull his hands off of her "Stop! Stop it!" She giggled breathlessly. A few seconds later, he stopped. Clara's heart thumped against her chest as he hovered above her. She could feel his breath on her skin, and she was sure he felt hers. "Nick?" She spoke so softly it was almost inaudible "I think I'm ready."
        He knew exactly what she meant by that. "Are you sure?" He asked, she nodded. He leaned in and began kissing her lips, then eventually he trailed down her jaw to her neck. Clara played with his hair, letting out quiet moans every few seconds. She already knew this wasn't his first time, and he knew this was hers. He was determined to make it special. He slid her shirt over her head, leaving her in her pale bra. Her heart sped up more. She had never been so vulnerable in front of someone before, and still, she felt so comfortable.

         Afterwards, Clara laid with her head on Nicks chest. "Are you okay?" He whispered.
        Clara smiled softly and nodded, "I'm great." She closed her eyes and snuggled up to him.

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