Chapter Four

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 The book she had left felt old and looked like it had been read a thousand times. Theo run her hand over the cover if the book as she slowly opened it to the first page.

A history of wolves

The was no author that she could see, just a simple title. In the top right corner scribbled in black ink was the Sorenson Nephus. Theo run her finger over the name. It indented the paper. An image of a child pushing hard upon his pen to clearly let all know that this was his book entered theo's mind. It made her smile.

There are no chapters she noticed as she glanced at the second page. What type of book doesn't have an author her mind pondered?

It made her adventurous spirit flutter at the peculiarity of this book and she continued to read the contents.

The Moon Goddess was a beautiful God who graced the earth with many gifts. The Gods grew jealous of the earthly creature's devotion to her. The Gods in their jealousy created Humanity.

Humans Pillaged the earth as selfish creatures that had no loyalty to each other. But they worshiped the Gods with undying loyalty. The Moon Goddess Grew angry at the Gods for what their envy had done.
During the winter solstice many millennia ago, the Moon Goddess was prayed to by a Father begging for his wife and child's life to be spared and his to be taken instead. The first human to show the Goddess that Humanity did have love within their hearts and the evil that greed had created. Although She could not rid the earth of humans, she would create a being that would rival Humanity.
The Moon Goddess saw inspiration the wolves that ruled the forest in their loyalty to each other, something that Humans lacked. The Moon Goddess weaved the best of humanity and the wolf to create a new species that would roam the earth, Werewolves. '

Half-Human and Half-wolf they could live in both worlds. Stronger than Humans and gifted powers of strength and longevity. Werewolfs remain fiercely loyal to their pack and Alpha.

It felt strange reading these words as if they were fact. As if the Moon Goddess were real. She glanced up at the sky through the condensation that had built up on the window. The Sun was setting, and the coldness of the night had began to reach her room. This book was fascinating her and allowing her to escape her current circumstance even for a little while. She reopened the book and continued.

It was many hundreds of years after her birth of the werewolf before the Moon Goddess would share her greatest gift with her prized creation. As time moved, more wolves chose to live in the Human wolf and abandon their packs. They chose to love a human rather than one of their own. This angered the Moon Goddess, as she saw her creation, meant to demonstrate the best humanity fall for the greed that the human world possessed. Although the Moon Goddess soon discovered it was not humans that drove wolves to humans it was her creations undying loyalty to the pack. This caused many young wolves venture into the human world to find the one thing they couldn't within their packs, Love.

Thus the Moon Goddess decreed that every wolf shall have an equal. Two equals that would fated to love each other. One would not be born without the other. Their connection stronger than any bond on earth.

The words intoxicated the hopeless romantic within Theo. The idea that someone would be fated to love you was the plot of many of her favourite books. She wondered if it was real. If there was any truth to the story that began to fascinate her. Her mind launched into her own self logic.

"I mean if were-wovles exist why can't an all powerful goddess aswell?" she whispered to herself as she began to flip through the book. Two words stuck out at her. White Wolf. She swiftly stopped the page and began to skip over the words.

The first White wolf was born to an Alpha and the only child the Alpha would have. The Alpha had been angry that his first and only child was a girl. He had hoped to have a boy to take up the mantle of Alpha. Her name was Graceling.

Soon the child grew up to be a beautiful and intelligent Wolf despite all her fathers protest. Her Kindness was revered by all who met her.
On her 18th birthday, her father had declared he would sell her to any Alpha in order to gain an alliance. Graceling decided to escape her father's madness and she ran away in the middle of the night. Upon discovering his daughter's betrayal, he declared that anyone who brought her back, dead or alive, would receive his title as Alpha.

As Graceling run further from her father's territory, her lack of knowledge of how to be a true wolf was starting to plague her. She stumbled upon Alpha Mattias Territory and was captured. Alpha Mattais was a direct descendant of the first line of Alpha. His pack was feared by many for their strength and loyalty. Soon captured by the alphas men, graceling feared for her life but upon meeting the alpha, their world changed. They were mates. The Alpha and the white wolf. The first pairing. The whitewolf was saved from her father and into the arms of a wolf who would forever love her for all the things she was and would become. After her mating with the Alpha she discovered her true powers. She never showed them to the world, keeping it a secret between the moon Goddess and her mate.

Theo sighed as she closed the book. Something about this story scared her. So much part of her wanted it to be true, that there was this type of romance in her future.
A noise from outside cause Theo to turn her attention outside the window. The moonlight was bright and the feeling of being trapped overwhelmed her. Her body moved without her brain thinking through her actions, she began to pick the lock with a piece of wood she had broken off a chair. This was her time to escape. It was quiet and she had figured out her plan. As she opened the window she glanced down at the garden below, putting her feet out so they dangled out. She was about to jump when she saw him. The Alpha.

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