Chapter Two

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The ground beneath her feet is soft and the sound the leaves crunching was comforting. The silence was comforting. She was enjoying this trail. The newness of it made her feel like an explorer. It was a break from her life. She was always confused about it all. How she could be so determined to be a lawyer and still have all these doubts running through her head. How she wanted to escape but at the same time she didn't. All these confusing emotions made her feel so lost. But her stubbornness kept her on track.

The track she is following had ended. This need came over her body to continue. To go off track. The metaphor of it all made her smile. In this moment she was an explorer and her feet took her forward.

She missed these days with her dad where they would stay up late then sneak out like teenagers so her Step mother wouldn't grow suspicious. They would run along the coastline of their home town as free wolves. She could reminisce for hours about times like these. The happy times, before life set in and she was too old, too busy to hang with her dad, at least that what she told him. The trees and forest grew denser as made her way further in. It wasn't for some time she realised she couldn't she see her hands or feet anymore. IT]t was now pitch black and she had been walking for hours lost in her own thoughts. Where was she? How far away was she from the trail.

A loud growling sound came from behind her. She was officially scared now She felt stupid for even thinking that going of the trail was a good idea. Now i felt really stupid. A smell filled my nose I wasn't familiar with. Another wolf. No human or animal could smell like this.

"Who are you?" A voice said. I didn't know how to reply. I am shaking with fear as I feel the presence of breath on my neck.

"We will have to take you to the Alpha. If you won't answer my questions." the voice was female. Deep and loud as the word alpha seems to ring out at me. I was fairly sure that I had entered pack land and now because of my fear no allowing me to reply to this woman's questions I would be discovered.

Then as if i was in a movie, it all went black.

I woke to find myself on a cold concrete ground. Bars entered my vision as it unblurred. I knew i was in trouble now. If an alpha knew i could disobey his demands he would know I was a white wolf. And who knows what kind of pack have caught me. I am so naive to this world. Right now i wanted to scorn my dad for not even teaching me more about wolves and their world. How can i even try to navigate out of this situation. All i can do i spose id tell the truth, I was hiking along the new trail and it stopped. I was compelled to keep going. Jeez, it make me sound so dumb.

I tried to get up at this point but the pain in my ankle suddenly hit me. It was broken. So much for a brave explorer. I couldn't have been more stupid. Why can't i just listen to my father for once and not adventer off into the woods.

Third person POV

The door creaked as the she-wolf opened it. The Alpha's office always seemed to have it's light on. The Alpha sat there and continued to work as he gestured for the young warrior to speak. She was trembling so he didn't attempt to make eye contact with her and cause her to faint. The Alpha was feared and revered by his pack.

"Alpha, a girl has been found...wandering the borders. She's aaaa a wolf. But won't tell us why she was entering the territory. Possible rouge but we won't know for sure until."

The Alpha interrupted " You need me now to question her." he paused and took a big breath in before continuing, "Okay. Leave her in the jails and I shall be down there when I can."

The she-wolf bowed her head and quietly she left the room. The tension was immediately gone at her departure. Sometimes the Alpha wondered if being feared was what he wanted. Only a few didn't leave the smell of nerves behind when interacting with him.


The Alpha began to make his way to the jails. He knew this was routine. But it always made him feel uncomfortable being able to make someone do as he says. The power made him resistant to ever use it. Those blood thirsty Alpha's who craved power used their gifts for greed. And he never wanted to be one of them.

"Alpha." the guard was surprised at the sudden arrival of the Alpha. Usually it would take hours for the Alpha to appear when summoned to the jails. The Guard opened the door to allow the Alpha through. His pack treated him like royalty. He is never sure if he enjoys the formality of it all.

It was more of a basement below the pack house made for the occasional rouge that seep through the borders. The stairs creaked as he made his way down to the basement. The guard followed behind until the Alpha waved his hand for him to return to his post. He didn't need any more stories of his "great" power making it's way through gossip circles. His desire to be feared because of his cunning, than the alpha powers gifted to him through his blood line.

As he reached the end of the stairs the sudden smell of rust and mould began to reach his delicate senses. He flipped the switch to the lights hoping to make his presence known to the young wolf. Of course he didn't need to with his heighten sight but he didn't feel like giving the poor girl a heart attack before he even spoke with her. The lights began to flicker like a that of a classic horror movie scene.

Theodora began to crawl to the corner of her cell as the Alpha entered the makeshift jail. He is tall and board. These were the only features she recognised as the lights continued to flicker. She couldn't quite make out his face as her eyes recovered from the sudden change in light.

She didn't wish to make eye contact with him in case he tried to force her to tell him something.

His eyes narrowed as he tried to make out the figure in the single cell. The metal bars clanged as he opened them to enter the cell.

"You know that if you told the truth when my people found you, this could have been avoided." the alpha sternly said. His voice was laced with heaviness as he tried to make it clear to the girl he was facing that he was not playing around.

Theo did not know how to reply. Her voice just didn't seem to want to comply with her brain. She wanted to tell the truth that she was just walking. She didn't know there was a pack on these lands. She was still balled up in the corner of the cell.

"Why were you on our lands?" he began to question her.

The room remained silent.

"Answer." he roared in is Alpha tone.

She didn't answer. The Alpha now began to sense frustration bubble in his core. "How did this girl not comply with my commands" he thought. He already knew the answer but the ludicrous Idea that she could be a white wolf that stupidly stumbled on his lands was a thought he shook off quickly.

He bent down and snatched Theo's arm so she would finally face him. She was cold and his hand felt hot against her skin. She moved her head to look at his face for the first time. When their eyes met Theo felt this unnerving sensation make its way through her body. It was foreign. He was so handsome she thought. It as if Theo's eyes were looking right in his soul. The Alpha knew what this all meant but the thought of admitting the obvious truth out loud make him feel venerable.

He suddenly dropped her arm and quickly excited the cell with out hesitation. He didn't even bother to lock the door as he left was Theo's first observation after gaining back her mind from the sensation he caused her. She was grasping and breathing heavy. His touch did something to her that she was unable to describe. Maybe it was the touch of an Alpha or something much more sinister.

"Put her in a guest room." The Alpha ordered as he briskly walked up the stairs and out the door of the basement. The guard bowed. Understanding this order he began to go to the basement to collect the girl

He stopped as was about to make his way down the stairs at the sound of the Alpha saying "In my quarters."

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