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A few days later

I was still living with Harry, but the next day I had to go back home, to the Netherlands.

Harry and I had all day just for our 2.
In all these days I could tell myself that I'm really in love with Harry.
He told me that he feels something for me and that he wanted to be more than friends.

"Morning sweetheart!" He said and gave me a kiss on my cheek
"Good morning babe" "ah... how late is it?" - me

He took his phone to look how late it was
"8 AM" - Harry
"Pfff... I want to sleep a little more!" - me
"No come on! You're leaving tomorrow. I want to do a lot today!" - Harry

He stoop up and picked me up.
He brought me to the bathroom.
"I want to go in bath today. Haven't done for a long time" - Harry

We sat in bath for 30 minutes. We listened to Some music and Harry was singing some songs.
"I love when you sing to me!!!" - me
He smiled and kept singing 'Lights up'.
"Should we go out? We sitting here for so long..." - me
"Noo, it is nice and warm!" - Harry
"No I'm bored!!!" - me
"Bored??? How can you be bored with me singing to you?" - Harry
"Sorry hon!" "Come on!" I said and stood up to get out of bath.

We're done, put our clothes on and went to the kitchen to eat something.
"Babe, I want to buy something for the baby, so the baby can have something from me and remember of me!" - Harry
"Yes we can go to the city if you want!" - me
"Did your ex said something about it?" - Harry
"Um... no. I haven't... talked to him for a while." - me

I didn't knew what to say, because it was Dylan's baby or Harry's. I just wanted to be honest with him but I couldn't!

"When you know the gender, you have to call me! I really want to know it!" - Harry

He stood in front of me and gave me a kiss on my belly.
He is such a cutie!

Harry called a uber when we're done eating.
We went to the city. He wanted to go to the Gucci store.
I don't have so much money to buy a lot of things, but he wanted to buy my baby something.

30 minutes later we arrived at the city. Harry wanted to walk.
"But there's a lot of paps!" - me
"Yes, I know! I just don't want to sit all day in the car. I want to be outside and walk a bit!" - Harry
"Don't you mind if people see us together?" - me
"No! Of course not!" - Harry

We got out of the car and walked to the Gucci store. There was a lot of people. A lot of fans asked Harry to take a picture with him. A few fans asked me to take picture of them.
I really like how the fans react and want to take pictures and stuf, but it was to much and I was getting annoyed.

"Wow this is so annoying! I'm sorry." - me
"Sorry... it is sometimes, but I understand them!" - Harry
"Yes, me too..." "but it's too much..." - me
"Sorry babe, this is my life... I can't do so much about it." - Harry
"It's not your fault. It's okay!" - me

We arrived at the Gucci store. A lot of fans couldn't go inside, so they're waiting outside.
Harry knew the store very good so he walked where the kids items were.

"Honey look how cute!" He said and showed me a baby suit.
"Yes it is!" "Harry, are you sure you want to buy something from here? I mean... it's just a baby and all this things are so expensive." - me
"Honey relax!" He said and kept looking at the baby clothes.

A woman that works on the store came to us. I guess she was a fan of Harry. She seemed very happy to see him.
"Is it for your baby?" She asked Harry

He smiled and looked at me
It seemed he didn't knew what to say.
"No, it's... not mine" - Harry
"If you need some help, I'll right there." She smiled and walked away.

I was looking at the baby clothes. Everything was so cute and wonderful, but it seemed so expensive.
I walked away. I saw a very beautiful dress. It was the most beautiful dress that I ever saw.

Harry walked to me and stood behind me
"Do you like this one?" - Harry
"It's... wonderful!" - me

Harry walked to that woman
"She want to try this one" he said and walked to that dress.

I stood in front of Harry. I didn't knew what to say.
That dress was so expensive. It was to much.
"No no no... Harry don't! This is too much! No... I appreciate it, thank you but no!" - me
"Try it!" He said and gave the dress to me.

I walked to the fitting room to try the dress.
The dress is so fucking amazing. It's so beautiful!
I had the dress on and walked out the fitting room to Harry.
He sat down on a chair waiting. When he saw me he smiled at me.
He stood up in front of me
"Wow...." "you look so beautiful in this dress..." he said.
"Really?" - me
I was so shy... everyone was looking at me

Harry walked away. He walked to that woman and was talking to her. When he was done talking he came to me.

I took the dress off and put my own clothes.
When I walked out the fitting room I gave the dress back to the woman that works in the store.
Harry and I walked to the checkout to pay the baby clothes.
The total was $6000 dollars.
"What?! Is this baby suit $6000?" I said. I was very shook.
"No! It's for the suit and your dress!" He said and paid.
"Wait, what?" "Harry, no! This is too much!" - me
"Honey, it's a gift from me. You're leaving tomorrow and I wanted to give you something!" - Harry

I gave him a hug and he kissed me.
"Thank you so much! I'm so happy with this gift..." I said.
I really wanted to cry ! He's doing so much for me.

We went back to his house with a uber.
Harry wanted to watch Netflix before we went on a dinner.

We sat down on his couch and he put a movie on.
We're watching the film with some popcorn and coke. He's phone rang.
"It's my manager, sorry" he said and picked up his phone.

I thought he was going to walk away and talk somewhere else, but he kept taking on the phone next to me. I felt a bit special.

"Yeah I know! I understand it..." "okay, bye"
He looked a bit mad

"Babe, I have to go to the studio... I'm so sorry!" - Harry
"It's okay... no problem!" - me
"You can come with me." - Harry

We went to the studio. He has to do something for his album and tour. After that we went back home. We had a very good night together. He gave me all the time a lot of hugs and kisses.
We went to sleep together and had sex for the last time.

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