kiyouma angst sorry

343 15 5

(tw for death)

The sight was unmistakable. Korekiyo lay there, hands holding himself as he so often did, surrounded by a pool of his own blood. He was on his side, curled into the fetal position. Kokichi was the first to see it. Behind him were Shuichi, and Himiko. The body discovery announcement played. Kokichi ran over to him, rolling him over, "Korkie?!" Please. He thought, don't let him already be gone. Korekiyos eyes fluttered open, "Kokichi..." His mask was off, lipstick smeared on his face. "Hello, Dear...." He smiled, a pained smile. Kokichi looked him over, the source of the blood was unmistakable. He had clearly been stabbed several times in the stomach. "...Korkie... I-..." Tears filled his eyes, and threatened to spill. He took Korekiyos face in his hands. "...Ouma.." He spoke softly, each word clearly took lots of effort, "...Will you sing something for me?" Sing? Right now? He thought, What will I even sing? He blinked fast, desperately trying to think. ...That'll work. Kokichi cleared his throat, and sang... "I'll never... smile again.. Until I smile at you..." Korekiyo smiled softly, and laid his head in Kokichis lap. Resting. Kokichis voice was shaky, but. He had to do this. He had to do this for him. "I'll never laugh again.. What good would it do?" Tears stained Korekiyos uniform, as his breaths grew shallow. "Or tears would fill my eyes... My heart would realize.. that our romance..." Kokichi took a deep breath, trying not to let his sobs crack his voice, while Korekiyo hummed softly. "I'll never love again... I'm so in love with you. I'll never thrill again.... With somebody new." The humming stopped. Kokichi could barely feel Korekiyo breathing. "Within my heart.... I know I will never start to smile again. Until I smile at you." Kokichi hummed the instrumental, trying to only focus on the song, not on the fact he could hear Korekiyos breathing anymore, or that his eyes had closed, and he was no longer desperately holding on to himself, "Within my heart.. I know I will never start to smile again, until I smile at you. Until I smile at you..."  The last words were barely a choked whisper. "...Korkie?" He barely managed to get the name out. It was clear Korekiyo was gone. How beautiful he had been in life, how pained, and exhausted he looked now... he was cold, and pale. "...Korekiyo?" The words were a squeak, that Shuichi or Himiko probably couldn't hear. Kokichi wrapped his arms around Korekiyo, "...please." This was louder than the other words, a desperate plea. He buried his head in Korekiyos chest, and stayed there for what felt like hours. A crowd had formed at that point. He didn't care. How could he care about anything but this? He felt a hand on his shoulder, and heard Shuichis voice, "...Kokichi.... you can't stay there forever..." He doesn't speak. He doesn't move. "Kokichi, you have to move." He heard Maki say firmly. "No." Kokichi barked. He feels Kaito pick him up, "Put me down!! Put me down Momota!" He reached his arms out, kicking and screaming, "...Please" He sobbed. "Sorry Kokichi, but we've got to investigate..." Kaito spoke, "I know, man, but we gotta find who did this." Kokichi goes limp, and Kaito sets him down in a corner. Kokichi holds himself, he's shaking, and can't take his eyes off the crowd surrounding the body. Kokichi holds himself and sinks to the floor, closing his eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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