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"A day of stupidity witness by a king is shameful." - FF2


Zach ended up cooking though it supposed to be her turn. She told herself, she's not going to eat until he apologizes for yelling at her.

But the delicious smell of the viand filled their condo that made her tummy gurgled.

"Caz, don't expect me to bring your lunch there. You have to eat in the dining and we're going somewhere," he told her authoritatively when he's done cooking.

She was so annoyed that he didn't even bother to either persuade her or give in to her tantrums.  She's more irked that he could command her as if he had authority over her.  And she more upset about his cold treatment with her.

He called her in her second name, Caz. Yrrah Caz Olevar and her husband's name is Zacharry Ravelo. Their name is a perfect palindrome. She had no idea how it happened or if Zach ever notice.

"What do you call this?" she asked when she saw the luscious dish on the table.  It's a simple fried tilapia with some garnishing, yet it seems so delectable.

"Baked lemon butter tilapia," he replied.
"Where do you learn to cook like this?" she asked again.

"Just eat." He slotted her with an icy stare. Then, he focused on his food.

She's more annoyed than ever.  Her pinkish lips pouted like a duck and whispered to herself, "What a jerk!"

Zach heard it but he didn't bother to look at her. When he's done, he went to their room and changed his clothes. She washed the dishes before going to their room to change.  Zach went out.

He never stayed in the room when she's changing.  She's not sure if he's just being a gentleman, yet at the same time, it insulted her ego as a woman. She felt unattractive in his eyes.

Sometimes, she's thinking if her husband is a gay, but seeing him naked a while ago, made her wonder if a gay ever had a well-toned body with six-pack abs. Not to mention that he's pretty handsome as well. He's so tall, a head taller than her. His eyebrows are quite thicker but matched perfectly with his lengthy curved lashes that every woman would envy off. His whiskey-colored eyes were deep and always seems so serious, as if it penetrated your soul with its glances. His nose was straight and thin like a shark's fin and with natural reddish heart-shaped lips, that seemed so soft and sweet.

They've kissed when they got married but it was just a smack on their lips. It didn't even last a couple of seconds. Sad to mention that was her first unmemorable kiss as it seemed he didn't even want to taste her lips.

Her self-esteem got dumped like a disgusting thing that must be buried into oblivion. She really seemed unappealing in his eyes. She checked her reflections on the mirror. Her late father and her yaya boosted her confidence as they always said that she's beautiful.  She doesn't have a curvaceous body but more like a ramp model. She's tall in 5'7" and slender. She's quite a flat-breasted in a cup A. She thought that maybe her husband likes those with cup-C women.

"Who cares anyway? We're going to get a divorce after two years anyway," she murmured to herself.


ZACH ENROLLED her to a reputable Culinary Institute, which offers basic cooking lessons for six-week, as it's summer vacation. And she would still continue her Business Management course. She would be a sophomore in August.

Cooking was never been her interest as well as eating. But, what can she do? She needed to learn, especially now that in her father's will, it abandoned her with no housemaid at all. She would adhere to a guy who acts like a king in their little domain. She's furious about it but like he'd said that she's the one who would benefit from it.

She never thought that she would enjoy her first day in that school.  She was so excited to try her newly acquired knowledge. She wanted to try cooking him beef broccoli. Zach picked her up from her school as she didn't know how to drive yet.

"Can we stop by at the grocery store? I'm going to buy some ingredient," she asked with a wide confident smile on her lips.

Without a word he complied. He grabbed the shopping basket and followed her as she's strolling in the grocery aisles with her list of ingredients.

"Where can I find this hoisin sauce?" she murmured to herself as she's browsing the aisles of spices and sauces.  She had never been to the grocery store in her entire life.

He overheard her.  He looked for it and handed it to her.  He noticed the blistered on her wife's arms.  It's reddish and watery already.  He held her wrist to check it.

"Why didn't you tell me that you have burned?" he asked with a worried tone.

"Hmm. It's just a little blistered," she said plainly acting to be brave.

"Tss. You're gonna have some scars."
"Then, I have a souvenir for almost burning the condo," she said sarcastically and even chuckled.  "Uyy! He cares," she said playfully and even poked his sides.

But Zach just shrugged his shoulder and grabbed her list with a stoic expression like the Rocky Mountains.  He scanned the list and roved around the store getting the ingredients that are not in their kitchen.  He used to do his own grocery in the US as he lived alone there.  If he would let her wife do it, Christmas would come and they won't even be done.  Yrrah followed him around like an obedient puppy.

Zach paid for their groceries, carried the two huge paper bags without a sweat.  They stopped by the drug store and bought some ointment.  He put the groceries at the truck of his car while Yrrah settled herself at the passenger seat.  Zach sat on the driver's seat and turned on the engine.  Without a word, he grasped her left arm and gently put an ointment on her blisters.

"T-thank you," she whispered, stuttering with his thoughtfulness.  He just nodded and drove off.


ZACH LET his young wife in the kitchen.  Yet, he was not complacent so, he stayed in the living room while watching the evening news, but he gave her a brief glimpse from time-to-time.  He's worried that he burnt herself again or even cut her fingers.  He silently admired her for being confident and even humming while cooking.  The evening news was over but the dinner was far from being served.

"Dinner is ready," his wife finally announced after a million seconds.

Yrrah was so proud of herself that she cooked the rice and viand.  She even prepared the table.  Zach sat on his chair and she scooped the rice and put it on his plate.  She even put the beef broccoli on the small bowl beside his plate.  She spooned a small piece of beef and broccoli and gave her husband a confident smile.  "Try it!" she said with excitement in her tone.

Zach tried her best to be as pokerfaced as ever though he wanted to laugh as the rice was like plain porridge.  He opened his mouth as she placed the spoon in his mouth.  He chewed it gently savoring its taste and tenderness.

"How was it? Is it delicious?" Yrrah asked him with a big yet, nervous smile in her lips.
He didn't know what to say.  He just swallowed the food in his mouth and drink some water.

"I'll give you an E, for your effort," he said. He saw how her smile vanished from her pinkish lips.

'E is a failing grade.' Yrrah thought.
"I don't want to waste food so, I still gonna eat it," he said.

He put a little bit of viand, on the spoonful of soft rice or more likely an unflavoured porridge.  He didn't dare to put some sauce as he didn't want to have kidney disease.  The broccoli was overcooked while the beef was still as stiff as the rubber.

Yrrah tasted the food then. She almost spitted it out as it's so salty. She didn't even try to taste it a while ago, she just followed the measurement given in the recipe.

She grabbed Zach's plate of food. "You don't need to finish it. Just eat bread." She threw the food on the garbage and ran to their room.
She couldn't suppress the tears escaping from her eyes as she buried herself under the blanket.

"Too much stupidity for a day, Yrrah!"


Date written: 27-29 Jan 2020
Revised: 7 Aug 2020

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