The price to be an alpha...

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Stiles pov

Running back inside the hospital  where derek was ...I was desperate...he was still unconscious on the floor..I run at hit...hitting him...over...over and over

Derek..I said smack him

Derek come on..I said slap him again

He doesnt im gonna close my hand and hit in...hes awake hes stop me..Grabing my hand

Derek star looking around

Where is she...derek ask

Who jennifer..I said

Gone with scott mom...I said

She took her..derek said

Yeah if that not enough of a kick to the balls..scott and jeannie left with deucalion, okay so we gotta get you out of here..the police coming right now and we gotta get you the hell out of here..I said helping derek standing up can be...derek said desperate

We talk about that later come on...I said

What about cora...derek ask

Issac pov

Driving cora out..

You see the twins..I ask to peter

No...but i see the argents...peter said looking around

Chris and allison running at us

Suddenly a howling..

Whats that..allison ask

A retreat...chris said

Not to bring up uncomfortable memories wasnt the last time you saw them the time you killed kate and then they burned you alive..hmmm..I said looking at the back he was gone leaving cora

They running faster getting closer to the car..

Where the others..allison ask

I dont know...scott..jeannie..and stiles went back for Derek and jennifer I had to get cora out..i said watching derek parking in front of us

Where are them...allison ask

Stiles is still in the hospital..hes gonna hold off the cops for us..we have to go right now...derek said picking up cora to his car

What about scott, jeannie and melissa..chris said

Jennifer took melissa..derek said looking at us

What about scott...allison said

And jeannie..derek..I said looking at him

Derek where are them...allison ask desperate

He was walking around his car..suddenly hes stop..tensed..looking at us...pain in his eyes..

They left with deucalion...derek said between anger and sadness

Stiles pov

The police is here....

I was sitting waiting for them to get in until I saw him...scott dad

Oh crap...great just perfect..I said breathing hard

He recognized me ..walking when I was sit..

A stilinski at the center of this whole mess..what a shocker..think you can asnwer some questions withoutbthe usual level of sarcasm..he said

If you can ask the quetions without the usual level of stupidity...I answer him back

He just smile at me..

Find me..make me love you ...again (derek hale love story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now