Peters Class (pt. 3 with a bit of parley)

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As of Yesterday, Peter Parker was expelled from Middletown School of Science and Technology. He refused to come clean about his lies and he paid the price.

Well that's what almost everyone thought, MJ and Ned, however, where furious. Peter not only got suspended, but Flash and his goons took him out back and...well. Lets just say the blind spiders friends were not pleased with it. They had already enlisted the help of Harley, a bright young mind that also started interned for the Starks a couple months ago. He was a tall, handsome, charming southern boy who had grown an obvious crush on Peter. Needless to say, he was not happy when he hear how badly Flashes words affected Peter. In what Peter considers a moment of weakness, he broke down, telling Harley how badly his bullys words hurt him. How because of Flash he still blames himself for his parents death, and how, he's scared of growing close to people because he doesn't want them to get hurt.

So when, the very next day, the students of the Middletown decathlon team where loaded onto a bus to Stark Industries, a plan was made by the three protective teens.


Name: Protect Spidey





GuyInTheChairTM: Harley, ask to lead the tour group thats coming in at 10 o'clock.

PatatoGunBoy: Why? Im working in the labs with Pete right now, he's still pretty upset about yesterday he's been at it since 3am.

MyFriendsCallMeMJ: Because Flash is going to be in it. And as much as I want you to comfort peter so you guys can just make out already. I want to see flash suffer.

PatatoGunBoy: Hmm hang on

Ten minutes later

PatatoGunBoy: So I can't lead the tour group, but Ill grant yall access to our lab, that way they'll see Peter.

GuyInTheChairTM: But his spidey sense?

PatatoGunBoy: I'll put down the observation glass, he won't be able to tell, plus what are the odds

PatatoGunBoy: The only problem is that he doesn't wear his contacts in the tower anymore, all the interns know hes blind and are under strict orders to make sure he's looked after, also he doesn't like wasting them.

MyFriendsCallMeMJ:I like where this is going....

GuyInTheChairTM: I don't know guys, peter didn't want anyone finding out.....

MyFriendsCallMeMJ: As much as I hate to out Peter like that, do you know how much everyone will hate Flash after? Plus his face will be perfect for my sketch book.

GuyInTheChairTM: Idk guys....

PatatoGunBoy: C'mon, how many other chances will we get after this?, plus y'all will only be up for a minute, as long as he doesnt look up no one will know!

GuyInTheChairTM: Fine....

Soon enough they arrived at the tower, after some confusion and getting badges sorted out, there tour guild arrived. The tour guide was a young woman named Elsies, she had a short pixie cut that as white in front and black in back. According to Peter, she is a supervisor for the R&D labs.

"Alrighty everyone, sorry for the hold up," she said, running a hand through her hair. "But it was worth it! One of Mr. Starks personal interns has offered to let us see his PERSONAL lab. Now before we get up there please keep in mind that hardly anyone can go up there. Any disrespect towards staff or your peers and you will not only be off the tour but banned from the tower. Understood?"

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