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"IVY, come take this box to the kitchen", I heard my mum yell. I walked down the stairs and to the car where she was standing holdng a brown cardbox box with kitchen written across it. Her cheeks were red fom the cold and the wind had whipped some strands of her hair into her face and she looked generally uncomfortable. My dad and my little sister; Sophie had gone to get us lunch from Mcdonalds as we had been unpacking for hours and were definitely hungry and tired.

"Well are you just gonna stand there staring or are you going to help me out", she says as I snap out of my thoughts and take the box fom her. "Is this the last of it ", I ask. "Yep it is , we're so lucky to have gotten our old house back off the market, at least we know where everything is supposed to be", she says as we unpack the items from the box in the kitchen and arrange them.

Minutes pass and I finally hear my dad's car pull up in the driveway. The front door opens and my 8 year old sister rushes in ;holding a Mcdonald's happy meal toy and my dad behind her holding three small paper bags with the Mcdonald's insignia on it. "Ivy, look what I got", Sophie says hold a miniature sized smurf . "That looks pretty", I say while helping my dad unpack the food unto the paper plates my mum and I have laid out on the kitchen island table.

"So are you looking forward to going back to your old school", my dad asks as we eat. "Not really, I don't really know anyone", I reply. "Yes you do, what of the Carter brothers; Jason and Julian", my mum says. "They don't count, last time I saw them I was sophie's age and we didn't exactly keep in touch over the years. They probably don't even remember who I am", I reply. "Nonsense, how about after we finish eating you go reintroduce yourself and since I stil speak to their mum; Anne, I know for a fact they still live just down the street. "But", I'm about to say before she stops me saying , "no buts, its good to be social".

So that's how I found myself walking down the street towards their house, my palms were shaking and I couldn't seem to stop blinking ( my nervous ticks). I finally tried to calm myself as I approached their house. The Carters lived in a large grey and white house with a wrap around porch, it was still as familiar to me as it had been nine years ago when I had played here every day after school. Back then it had been just me, my mum and my dad ( Sophie wasn't born) and the Carter brothers had been my two best friends. While I had been daydreaming, I hadn't noticed that someone had come out of the house and was leaning against the porch staring at me.

I finally looked up and noticed a guy about my age standing on the porch and I couldn't help but stare, he was breathtaking with short brown hair that was ruffled like he had just ran his hand through it and gorgeous greyish blue eyes. I finally snapped out of it when I saw the smirk on his lips and the amused look in his eyes and my cheeks instantly turned red; embarrased at being caught staring.

He walked down the stairs of the porch and moved towards where I was standing( and of course looking like an Idiot; story of my life). As he stepped closer and I got a better look at him and I saw the familiar face, I knew who he was; Jason Carter. He seemed to realise who I was to as his eyes widened in recognition and he took a step closer that brought him so close  he towered over me, he was about 6 ft 2 to my short; 5 ft 5 and said in a deep and incredibly husky voice, "If it isn't little miss Ivy Brooks, what has it been, 9 years poison Ivy".

My lips immediately turned into a frown at the annoying nickname he had been fond of calling me back then. "Its Ivy not poison Ivy and yeah its been a while". I couldn't believe this amazing specimen of man was the same annoying Jason who had hidden all my dolls back when we were eight but I knew he was, he still had the same unmistakably mischevous twinkle in his eyes. He laughs and asks, " so what have you been up to". "Nothing interesting, just school and some other things but that's not impotrant, where's your brother", I ask and he immediatey stops smiling after that question . "Probably somewhere causing trouble and anyway I have to go but I'll definitely be seeing you around , Its good to have you back Ivy". He says as he walk toward his car (a grey Mercedes Benz G-class) and gets in. I watch as he drives away and I can't help but wonder what had happened to the Carter brothers in my absence.

So hey guys this is the first part of loving the carter brothers and I tried to infuse a bit of chemistry between Ivy and Jason in my words and I don't know if I succeeded but anyhow I hope it turned out ok. And a big thank you to anyone who reads this book ; I love you. The picture on the side is the Carter house and well that's all. BYEEEEE!!!!

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