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Vengeance will be mine - Shadestar

However we will avenge them. We will find this Silverclaew and we will kill him! We will avenge our fallen friends! We will unite and we will surivive! We are ShadowClan!!" - Shadestar

Thank you for avenging my mother
You are the most honorable cat I know- Stormheart

Badgerclaw! Wake up, please! You have to wake up! Fernpaw is Fernfeather now!! Please!!!- Shadestar

The deputy of ShadowClan will be Stormfall. And I will gladly be your mate. I love you, and I know that now.- Shadestar

You are my bestest friend- Featherlight

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now