Chapter 14 - Just go out

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Point of View: Stone Gossard

Matt and I's date went good. We ate cheap food and just talked. He was sweet. Really funny.

But I wanted something more.

More than a side hug and a sheepish wave goodbye.

Maybe a real hug. A kiss on the cheek. Something.

Were hanging out again today.. so maybe he'd do more this time. I'm the first guy hes dated so I want to give him a bigger chance.

Matt knocked on my door. My mom answered out I pushed passed her. Once she noticed it was for me she left the room. I yelled "bye!" And shut the door behind me.

Matt gave me a sly smile. "Hi." I

I smiled back. "Hey."

Matt held his hand out.

I looked down at it then back at him.

"I'm fine with holding your hand for a few seconds until we get to the car." Matt said.

I smiled and grabbed it. We walked down the street to his car, then separated.

Matt got in and buckled up. "Sorry I was so bland last night."

"Its alright."

He started the car. "This is my first time going out with a guy. I dont really know what I'm doing." He chuckled nervously.

I patted his leg. "Its just like dating a girl. Except- it's a boy."

We both laughed. Matt turned on the radio and started singing along to a Cheap Trick song.

"You can sing?" I asked surprised. He was damn good.

He chuckled. "Yeah. I dont only play drums."

"What's it like?"

"What? Playing drums?"

"Yeah like.. what's it like to be more behind the rest of the band all the time?"

Matt shrugged. "I get jealous of the band sometimes. For getting 99% of the attention. But we always have that fan that comes to the show cause they like seeing me play drums. A lot of these teens that show up tell me they wanna play drums." He stopped to chuckle. "I get lots of girls telling me I'm hot too- when they're done fangirling over Chris."

"Hm." I nodded.

He looked at me and chuckled again. He parked the car and we both got out. We went to this crazy ass antique store. Matt said he wanted to take me there cause they have cool antique pipes. Why the fuck would I turn down getting a new pipe?

We walked around inside, pointing out all the weird shit we could find.

"So..what's it like being a guitarist? Being up front?" Matt asked me- continuing the conversation from before.

"Its amazing! You're up by the crowd, jamming out. You're closer to your band mates. Sometimes I wish I wasnt up front all the time." I explained.


I shrugged. "Sometimes you wish you weren't famous. So you could do your thing without being bothered. You know how hard it is to be in a relationship with a fucking guy when half the world hates gays?"

"I get that. And yeah. I'm worried about that."

"About being.. gay?"

"I dont know. I'm new to this. I'm not 100% sure I even like boys. I got the idea months ago.. but I figured i wouldnt be sure until i got with a guy. At least for a few dates- you know?"

I nodded. "Am I that guy? That helps you decide if you like boys?"

Matt shrugged. "I guess so. I am scared about the media though."

"If people accept Chris and Eddie- and me.. they'll accept you."

"I guess."

"But so far.. what do you feel?" I asked him.

He smiled at him, and shook his head before looking down to the ground. "Good. You?"

"Great. Do me?"

"I dont think I can answer that yet. It might take a few more dates."

I laughed. "Will it?"

Matt wrapped his arm around me, leading me towards a wooden shelf - where the pipes were. "Yeah."

I got nervous. I was feeling someone's touch. Not just the sexual kind either. I almost stiffened and smiled.

Matt looked through the shelf. He picked one up, and looked all around it. It had a tie-dye type affect on it. "You should get this one."

He put it in my hand, and I looked at it. I smiled at him. "I will."

He grabbed it back. "I'll pay."

I followed behind him as he bought it.  The man gave us a weird look. "At least I'm not selling a shit ton of them." Matt joked with him.

He didn't seem too pleased either.

We got in the car. "You like it?" He asked.

"I love it." I leaned forward and kissed his jaw line- cause it was in reach.

He looked at me, so I looked down at my lap, as I shifted back in my seat.

He laughed. "Its okay stone. It was cute."

I saw him staring when I smiled to myself.

He drove me back home, and gave me a real hug, and my own small peck on the cheek.

I was proud of him. He was comfortable with me and I liked that. He was also going slow. I could tell he was really trying to figure this stuff out.

His feelings.

My mind wondered to Jerry and Layne. I sensed that they were dating. Or would end up dating. Which kind of upset me cause he couldnt be serious with me.. and weve known eachother for forever.

At the same time I liked fooling around with him.

But I wasnt worried about that now. Just about me and Matt.

I want something out of this. Even if its just a few wholesome dates.

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