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Okay the truth about life is - it sucks. Every time you get up it knocks you back down again. Every time you find yourself happy it finds a way to ruined it. There is only so much a person can take till that person breaks into tiny little pieces on the floor that everyone steps on. I broke a long time ago. I was little pieces on the floor. I've been there so long that now I'm just dust floating around.
Most people say the past is in the past, move on. Well my moving on is moving on to different towns every couple of months. Why do I move town you may ask, well it's because every time I have a fresh start my crazy ex boyfriend (when I say crazy I mean completely fucked up in the head ) comes and ruins everything. Then I pack up my stuff and run. He always try's to follow me and when I say try I mean he does follow me and I barely escape.
This is my life. Just because I got stuck with a crazy person how is that fair. As I'm lying in my bed in a new town in my new tiny apartment thinking how I got here, how I have become cold and lifeless and mean. I never use to be like this. I was never mean to anyone. I never cursed, I use to be fun. I had fun, I had a family and friends to be fun with. Now I'm alone, with no hope left. My parents are dead. The cops think I'm making up stories. I'm broken and alone in this bed thinking of my fucked up life and how it isn't fair.
As I slowly close my eyes thinking all these thoughts as my mind slowly drifts into darkness

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