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Cassidy's POV
Justin Bieber and I had been riding inside the black limo for too long. I couldn't find anymore conversation starters. You'd think that a soon-to-be-married couple would have something to talk about on a long journey. Nope. Not Me and Justin.
You see, my family used to be rich beyond belief. We could buy anything we desired. But when my dad walked out on us, he took the money with him. Mother has been struggling with financial problems ever since. The most humiliating thing in the world would be if you were First-Class and suddenly moved to Third in her mind. The only possible solution was to marry for money. And that's where Justin came in.
Justin and I went way back, but I never cared much for him. Though Justin's feelings were made clear. So you can imagine my reaction when he proposed two months ago. We were Hollywood's power couple.
After what seemed like hours of silence, the limo came to a halt. The shofar stepped out of the car and opened the door for us. My mom and a few of her friends pulled up behind us Both of the drivers gathered the luggage and carried it to the Luggage Drop Off area.
"Justin," I said. "This doesn't look that big." I was gesturing towards the RMS Titanic.
"Are you kidding me?" Justin laughed. "There's a lot of things you can complain about, but not Titanic. God himself couldn't sink this ship!"
The shofars returned and motioned for us to follow. "Thank you," I murmured as I walked by. No one ever thanks them.
We all walked to the Titanic. My mom was eyeing the Third-Class members. It sickened me. The boat was already filled with people.
"Tickets?" A man said to us. I handed him everyone's ticket and smiled at him. He seemed taken back. I was about to start a conversation with him when Justin hurried me along. "Babe, we don't have time to associate with people like him."
I rolled my eyes and stepped into the boat. It was beautiful. Everything was so elegant and sophisticated.
Cole's POV
Dana and I were in a tough spot. This next play decided our future. Would we be staying here in Europe, or getting on the Titanic to New York. You see, we used to be in a band called IM5, but it didn't exactly work out. First, our friend, Dalton Rapattoni left to pursue his dream in Rock music. We found a new guy. David Scarzone was his name. It worked for a little bit. We actually started becoming more and more famous. But soon, David had to leave too, only this time we kind of stayed friends with the leaving member. It was, once again, IM4. Soon after that, however, one of our original members, Will, decided he needed to focus on his own music. We went on with just the three of us, Dana, Gabe, and I, for a little while. We went on tour, released an EP, even got a song on the radio for a short period of time. Then our manager, Jill, left. As a group, we decided we couldn't go on. We all remained friends though. Except us and Dalton, and David was a bit distant, but nothing too bad. Privately speaking, I think I've missed Dalton the most though. Him and Will are still really good friends. We eventually lost all of our money that we made, forcing us down to Third-Class.
Our opponents laid down their cards. This was it. I thought. Dana laid down his cards next. (A/N: I don't know anything about poker, that's why I'm not going into detail lol) I eyed his cards. We did it. WE DID IT!
"We're going to America baby!" I yelled. Dana grabbed his winning cards and through them in the air. The both of us hugged. I snatched the tickets and waved them in Dana's face. "See these?" I laughed.
"Are those Titanic tickets?" The bartender asked.
"Yeah, buddy they are!" Dana yelled.
"You two better hurry," he said, wide-eyed. "Titanic leaves in five minutes."
Both of us looked at each other. Without having to say a word, the brushed as much of the money we could into our bags and bolted out the door. We pushed everyone out of our way, desperately trying to make it to the boat in time. We saw a herd of people standing, waving at their loved ones leaving across the Atlantic.
"STOP THE BOAT!" Dana screamed. We were literally getting annoyed looks from everyone we pushed out of our way. Finally, we made it to the boat.
"WAIT!" I screamed at the people pulling down the plank leading to the ship doors.
"Where are your tickets, boys?" An annoyed worker asked.
I fished the tickets out of my pocket. "Here," Dana and I ran inside.
Woah. It was so beautiful. I haven't witnessed anything like this in a while. Not since we filmed #Bandcamp at Todrick Hall's house.
"You know what this means?" Dana said, breaking me out of my trance. "This is going to be better than the Hollywood hotties with the Hollywood bodies."

Show Her Nothing But The Finest {A Colassidy/IM5 Fanfiction}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora