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I was delightfully woken up by the sun

"Ugh...morning" I groaned as I sat up, shutting the curtains; I was still exhausted from the trip here.

I reached for my bedside and opened my new schedule, I slowly read it trying to memorize it quickly

Basic magic         1st period
M.A.C.A.H.          2nd period
Magical combat   3rd period 
Runes                  4th period 
Mentor assignment (first day only)

After feeling like I had it memorized enough of it I started getting ready.

I left my room to see Odessa brushing her hair as she and Zoey discussed rumors they heard about one of the teachers. 

I didn't pay it any mind; those stories are never true. 

I was in such a hurry to get to class I barely got myself breakfast.

1st period: Basic magic

I stepped into the class, first noticing the abundance of natural light...opposite of the door was a wall of floor to ceiling windows letting in the morning sun. There was a lack of desks in the class to obscure the light.

Immediately my eyes caught the boy from yesterday that bumped into me, laughing at a joke his friend told him. 

I started to wonder if the light was from the window or his smile...

I immediately snap out of my daze. 

He looks over to me and waves, I noticed his grey jacket was covering his uniform. 

He's so friendly...why is he being so nice to me. 

Class started shortly after, we were given a basic magic assessment; simply grab the feather from the teacher at the top of the building with your partner.

It was a piece of cake, especially after I got paired with that boy...

What's his name again...Roxas..?

He has light magic. We are almost exact opposites...
that's probably why I'm so attracted to him...

The rest of the day passed as I expected. 
There was weird teacher who insisted that we had his name wrong,he has a son who is the same age as me.
In Macah ( Magical animal care and handling) a large and gentle man had introduced us to magical animals who will eventually become a companion to each student here. I felt a good connection with the fox...

As I gathered my things I heard Mr.Griffith the instructor speaking with the basic magic teacher about that rumor from earlier.

" 'nd I'm s'pposed to believe someth'n that the students 're spreading around?" He dismissed the argument talking about how there are always rumours.

That made me a bit uncomfortable, but I pushed it out of my head.

As the day progressed I heard more about this rumor...just like the one I heard from Odessa and Zoey this morning. It couldn't be true...

But when I entered my final class for the day I quickly realized that not every teacher was the same...or safe...

4th Period: Runes

The teacher who taught this class was unlike any other I'd seen today. He gave me a very uneasy vibe.

He had eyes that were darker than the dusk, a deep purple that could only be matched by his hair. He wore an eggshell colored button up shirt with the first two buttons undone, like he was rushing to get dressed... 

But you could tell..from the look in his eye that something wasnt right. Something was definitely wrong with this man. His smile..
Or to put it correctly. His smirk.  

You could almost feel it from just his eyes; something was off. They were completely disinterested, dead even.

He didn't smile either...

His name was written on the board, the letters very much glowing; Jack D Beckett. 


⚠️⛔Gore warning⚠️⛔

🔞 18+🔞

Runes class was one of the most terrifying things I have ever experienced.

We all took our seats, Odessa...Zoey...Roxas.. and that kid with the weird teacher for a parent, whose name was Kin Gold or something like that. I didn't find him as weird as his dad.

We finally all had the same class. That wasn't a good thing...
I didn't know that at the time..

Mr.Beckett began his class normally; with an introduction. But the look in his eyes still made me uneasy. Especially with that rumor about one of the teachers going around.

But again, I put the thought of it away. Mr.Beckett asked for a volunteer to show the power of runes. Kin stood up excitedly. This was the class he was most looking forward to, I assume.

Kin walked up to the front of the class, facing us. Mr.Beckett walks out from behind his desk and approaches Kin.

The next moments I saw went by in a flash.

Mr.Beckett pull a sharp knife out of his back pocket...I hadn't even noticed it was there.
The black handle and the shiny glint from the metal was burned into my memory at that moment.
I saw my teacher bury that knife into my classmates chest. Over and over and I watched blood spurt from him and spatter onto Mr.Beckett's shirt.

The look in his eye was terrifying... there was no feeling, no emotion.

I stood up in a panic. I raised my hands to pull that maniac away from Kin. But Mr.Beckett put his hand up to stop me. He wrote a rune on my classmates hand.

The wound on Kin closed up. It...healed itself. Right before my eyes.

I had never been so terrified by one person in my entire life. Mr.Beckett wiped his knife on a white handkerchief from his pocket.

Roxas grabbed my hand. He rubbed the back of it with his thumb. I sat down and let the warmth of his hand bring comfort to me. I didnt realize how cold my skin was til he touched me. It was nice..

But the fear of what just happened stayed in my mind. And it will...forever.

Kin wobbled back to his seat, his uniform still torn and blood-soaked. He looked scared. But somehow still fascinated that only mere minutes ago he was bleeding out and healed in a matter of seconds.

Mr. Beckett looked satisfied by our reactions.
"He was never in any danger..but your faces were priceless.." He smiles with that awful, soulless smirk.

The class goes on and Beckett gives us 'easy and basic" runes as he called it. I don't call learning basically a new language "easy".

After class, I pack my bag and catch a glance at Mr.Beckett smiling at us again. It still sends shivers down my spine. If Roxas hadnt grabbed my hand in that moment, I think I would have been caught in that man's gaze forever...

Roxas' warmth brought me back and I'd never felt such comfort with another person. It...was nice.

We left to meet with our new mentors; teachers or staff members with similar powers to our own.

I met this wonderful woman who lived in the dark realm many years ago, who has almost the same powers as me.
Shes was going to guide me on my way through this school.

Something I will always..be grateful for.

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