call » kazemaru ichirouta

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for:  ShipPercabeth4Life

❗ warnings ❗
• kazemaru x depressed!reader
• trigger warnings !
• implications of s*ic*de / d*pression
• ooc !
• angst !
✨ wc: 1050+ words

[m/n: back at it again with angsts ayE—]

—  kazemaru's pov—

middle of the night.

i was awaken in my deep slumber by the vibration of the mobile phone i placed just beside my pillow. groaning, i decided to ignore it for a while, my sleepiness getting the best of me.

to my annoyance, the vibration persisted. clucking my tongue, i decided to just check my phone out, to attain peace at last.

i took a peek, my eyes immediately getting blinded by the bright light my phone's screen emitted. the familiar calling ID of [y/n] flashed at the screen.

"ughhhh. . ." i groaned in annoyance, proceeding to throw my phone a distance from me.

then my sleep once again consumed me.

little did i know, i made a decision i never would've thought i'd regret.

i was fast asleep, thus failed to read the text that followed from the lass.

from: [y/n]
i'm sorry for being such a bother.
thank you for everything.

what awaited me that morning shook me to my core; and ate away at my sanity. i felt my knees grow weak, albeit i was petrified from shock from the news.

[y/n] is gone.

gone gone.

i scoffed, letting out the painful breath that clogged up my chest with a prickling pain, as though needles pushed from the inside of my chest when i sucked in a sharp deep breath; nevertheless the pain was still there, overwhelming and suffocating.

my throat felt hoarse; and yet i couldn't utter a word. i could feel tears prickling at my eyes, and before long i hadn't even realized it felll, along with my trembling knees colliding harshly with the stone cold floor, sending shocks throughout my system.

however, that can't ever amount to the pain, the guilt, the remorse i felt inside of me though.

i pulled at my locks, messing it up further; my cries so deafening and yet i can't seem to hear it as i drowned from this heart-wrenching pain.

i can't believe it, i can't believe it. this can't be real.

it's all my fault, it's all my fault.

was it because of me?

hadn't i ignored your call, would you still be here?

my eyes widened in realization. it was bloodshot; it hurts. but now that i've realized, it felt even worse. like a truck struck right at me, crashing into me with full force; breaking me to pieces.

i'm an idiot, i'm an idiot.

loud sobs, and whimpers escaped my mouth, my grip on my hair enough to rip it out of its roots. it hurts, to the point that it feels numb. before long, my vision was fading to black. i couldn't take it anymore. i blacked out then, succumbing to my sleep, unknowing of what would await me; now, i, again, am about to black out, unable to take what awaited me.

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