Jerk News Letter - Issue # 2

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Jerk News

BksbyBkr released the third chapter of the Devil's Deal Series : Demonic Delights and Holy Cupcakes.

Jerk Prompts released another prompt, this one based on a song. 2 People participated, Bksbybkr and Whiskeyjanedoe ( who then continued the story with another few shorts in her own prompt book!) There will be another upcoming prompt in the next few days so check out the club to participate!

@WhiskeyJaneDoe  Breaking Imhullu reached 11k + Reads

Dead Men Have No Legacies  by @Potato_Man9001   is now at 25 parts!

The Girl that Fell from the Sky by @Stewpidley  is now being reworked and edited.

(Check the inline comments for links to mentioned stories or Wattpad Users for more great work!) 

Featured Jerk

Whiskey Jane Doe

Do you know why the Circle of Jerks and all its publications exist? Because of Whiskey and her love of community. She's driven by the thought that we can build a place were people can go and support one another in writing and in life.  Her main series is the Breaking series, which includes Breaking Imhullu, Breaking Darkness, Breaking Order and a yet to be announced new book that we can't name for fear of giving too much away!  

She also has her book of shorts Whiskey Shots, and helped to write Jerk favourites War & Peace & Pancakes; Cheers; Crayons, Captivity & Carnage; and How to Wield your Magical Hammer (we are still accepting guest writers for this book, if you're interested, send us a message or read the book and leave a comment!).  Her universe and characters were inspiration for Blood Bourbon, Broken Warrior and the upcoming Shattered Sunshine.  She is also currently developing a dystopian book called The Dichotomy of Revolution with fellow jerk founder, Bksbybkr

In addition to all these books, most of the projects here were the inspiration of Whiskey, though she is always in search of inclusive ways to bring more Jerks into the fold.  

 Why do you write?

Good question! It's not something I've ever really tried to articulate before. I think I write for two reasons. First, writing is a creative outlet I use to give voice to all the thoughts and narratives knocking around in my imagination. I was always an imaginative child, and imagining complex stories and scenes in my head was something I always did. Writing just gives voice to those imaginings. Second, writing is cathartic. Whether it's conscious or unconscious, I often find that writing helps me deal with reality. When I'm going through stressful times, I increasingly rely on writing to cope with and process my emotions.

Why the Circle of Jerks - what were your thoughts behind it?

I noticed that there was a lack of a truly supportive community of friends on Wattpad. I had a couple of negative experiences with 'read-for-read' clubs, which made me realize that many people out there were only trying to get their works read rather than offer genuine support for digital friends on the platform. I wanted to be part of a group of people who read community works if they want to and don't read if they don't want. We're here to support one another emotionally and 'socialize' digitally with a community of like-minded people, not give or get reads. The Circle is a group of people who are always willing to chat, not just about their own writing or the goings on on Wattpad but life in general. Not only that, but we also try to foster community growth, supporting each other with prompt writing games and review books. We try to make each other better, not just give each other 'reads'.

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