Monday, July 5th, 12:00 PM

131 4 0

It's that time of week again. Azusa goes outside to do weekly walks nearby Sakuragoaka. While doing this, she meets up with the others.

"Hey Azusa. It's nice to see you again." Mio said, casually.

"H-hey Mio-Senpai..." Azusa replied, still emotional from the letter.

"Azu-Nyan! Azu-Nyan!" Yui runs over to hug Azusa endlessly, never letting her go, but this time Mio pulls her off of Azusa.

"Don't do that Yui, we need to let Azusa calm down. She might still need to recover from the letter..." Mio explained to her.

"N-no no it's fine. I've been recovering fine.." Azusa tried to protest at them, trying not to yell.

"How are you doing? We were just heading to Yui's house." Ritsu asked.

"I'm just running errands for mom and dad, nothing much." Azusa replied casually.

"Would you like us to come help?" Mio asked.

"Sure! I'd love the help." Azusa exclaimed.

They go to help Azusa with errands and hang out at Yui's place. As they finish helping Azusa. They wave goodbye. As they leave, Azusa sneaks a slight smile. She felt happy to not be lonely.



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