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The winds were fierce far to the North. They came and went, but when they came, they thundered loud and long, sending spears of lightning into the raging water, flashes of blinding white emitting from the crashes. The Twolegs who inhabited the Mainland would document these occasions, noticing how in the past years, these storms and hurricanes became more frequent and more dangerous.

Dolphins shrieked in concern as they swam below the waves, and whales in the far distance wailed responses and shoals of fish darted between the currents. Massive Twolegs structures drifting on the waves tipped and turned, and the small Twolegs aboard called and cried, hurrying around the different layers of the thing, which the animals called the Wavefloat. 

As the Twolegs on the Wavefloat feared for their lives, birds high above stressfully dodged the spinning clouds, seagulls diving into caverns in the beaches known only to them, and curlews crowed in distress along the cliffs. They chirped at each other, tipping their heads and turning their heads, eyes locked on the rushing clouds beyond their nesting grounds. The hurricane was waning, and although they didn't exactly process this, the birds knew that the danger was leaving them, and closing in on land further away, a few miles down the Wide Bay.

The birds fluttered their wings and huddled into their shelter, wondering when the whirling winds would reach the Lonely Islands.

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