Shadow Day Part 1

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Class 1-A had made their way to their classroom to start off their seemingly normal day. Mina, Hakagure, and Kaminari were gathered around Jiro's desk talking. Kirishima was leaning against Bakugo's desk chatting with the blonde haired boy. Iida was yelling at everyone with robotic arms to quickly get to their seats before class starts. Yaoyorozu couldn't help but quietly giggle at her class. They were definitely something else. Yaoyorozu heard a soft snicker to her right. She turned her head to see Todoroki's half smile. A small blush graced her cheeks.

It had been exactly 1 week since she had confessed her feelings for the half and half hero, and exactly 1 week since he had asked her to be his girlfriend. It had been the most terrifyingly happiest week of her life. She still can't believe any of it had even happened.

Yaoyorozu had pulled Todoroki to the side after school one day as they were making their way back to their dorms. She had it all perfectly planned in her head how she was going to tell him. 'Todoroki, I wanted to let you know that I have always admired you as a friend, but my feelings for you have changed. I believe I like you as more than a friend.' Which is how she had planned it happening. What actually happened was a different story. When she pulled him aside and saw the slight confusion in his beautiful heterochromatic eyes she froze. All of her confidence left her body. She became a frazzled mess.

"Is there something you'd like to talk to me about, Yaoyorozu?" There was a slight worry to his voice. Was there something wrong? Was Yaoyorozu in some sort of trouble? Did she need something? He would do anything in his power for her. He just needed to know what was wrong.

A few more seconds of awkward silence filled the air before Yaoyorozu shot out, "I LIKE YOU TODOROKI!" Yaoyorozu clasped her hands over her mouth. She was mortified. Not only was that not how she intended to tell him, but she basically yelled it as well. Todoroki just stared at her dumbfounded. His mouth was agape his eyes wide. Did he hear her right? Did she just say that she likes him? Momo Yaoyorozu likes Shoto Todoroki. He couldn't believe it!

Another minute passed in silence. Todoroki was still staring at Yaoyorozu. Her face now about as red as one side of Todoroki's hair. She ruined everything. If she wouldn't have freaked out then they wouldn't be in this awkward mess. Yaoyorozu was about to turn and leave when Todoroki spoke.

"Yaoyorozu, will you be my girlfriend?" It was so quick she wasn't quite sure that she had heard him correctly. She blinked a few times trying to wrap her mind around the sentence that she had just heard. A question no less. A question from Todoroki about a relationship status change.

"Oh!" Yaoyorozu squeaked. She just noticed how long she had been staring at him without answering his question. "Yes, Todoroki I will!" Todoroki's face lit up at her response, a smile gracing his face. This was almost too much for Yaoyorozu. Todoroki rarely smiled, and when he did smile it was so quick that you never knew if it actually happened or not. But this smile was big and didn't go away and Yaoyorozu was the reason behind it.

"Would you like to walk back to the dorms, Yaoyorozu? I would like to change out of my uniform." Todoroki held out his hand to her. She looked at his hand and smiled. She grabbed it and intertwined their fingers.

"Alright. Take your seats, class is about to start." Aizawa spoke as he walked in carrying his yellow sleeping bag. He put it under his desk and stood up staring at his students. "I have a surprise in store for everyone. This is the first year UA has done this, but we decided it could be a good opportunity to ease your parents' minds. Tomorrow we will be holding a shadow day for your parents. Meaning, your parents will have the opportunity to see exactly what you do here at school."

"Mr. Aizawa, isn't this super short notice? Won't most of our parents not be able to come because they have to work?" Mina asked. The class mumbled in agreement.

"We've already talked to your parents. Some of them will be coming tomorrow. But there were quite a few who won't be able to make it."

Yaoyorozu stiffened in her seat. Was her mother coming tomorrow? Or was she one of the parents who couldn't make it? She knew her father wouldn't come, he's too busy with his company. Her mother on the other hand could easily take a day, but she knew her mother was against her becoming a hero to begin with. So there's also the possibility that she would be coming tomorrow to prove her point. Yaoyorozu loves her mother, but her mother could be very emotionally degrading when she wanted to be.

"Yaoyorozu, are you alright?" Todoroki noticed the slight panic on her face.

"I'm fine. I'm just overthinking about shadow day. My mother and I aren't really on the same page when it comes to my hero work." Yaoyorozu turns her gaze to the window beside her. "But there's no need to worry." Her head turns back to Todoroki with a big grin on her face. "There's no way my mother will come. She doesn't approve to begin with."

Todoroki could tell she was trying to make herself believe that fact. He knew his father wouldn't be coming. That was a given. But now he was curious of her mother. Was she really as mean as she seems. Yaoyorozu doesn't talk much about her. She has mentioned that her mother wanted her to take part in the family business. The Yaoyorozu family has one of if not the biggest support items business in all of Japan. They don't make the items, but they own over 200 labs that do. His father has even gotten a few support items from their labs. He knew that Yaoyorozu was smart enough to join the business, but he could never see her actually enjoying it. She is so smart and she has such a great handle on her quirk, how could her mother not see that she's a great hero?

"Settle down class. You can chat about tomorrow later. For now, it's time for a pop quiz on hero logistics." Aizawa graced them with one of his signature creepy smiles. Groans could be heard from the class. The rest of the day was as normal as any other day.

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