Chapter 2

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Y/N starts making his way to his room for the night, as he gets in his room Y/N starts changing into some PJs ,he slips himself in bed while looking at his nightstand he sees a picture frame of him and his family getting a flashback of the past.

(Flashback when Y/N was only 12 years old)

Y/N: "Mom when we get home can I have some ice cream for dessert?"

M/N: "Of course my sweet boy anything for you my little prince."

D/N: "Heey what about me, can I get some ice cream for dessert M/N?"

M/N: "I don't know I think you'll have to ask
Y/N, after all he did work for it and paid for it."

(End of Flashback)

Y/N crying softly in bed missing his parents wishing that his parents were still here to support him and cheer him up. Y/N decides to fall asleep not hearing his back door opening by a white hooded figure.

???: "I cant believe it's that easy to pick lock his back door hopefully he is happy to see me tonight" the hooded figure makes their way to Y/N's room to surprise him and finally meet him. As the hooded figure is by Y/N's door, they hear that Y/N is still awake and making some sort of groans. The figure peeks inside the room to see Y/N cutting himself in arms, the hooded figure shocked that a person like Y/N would be cutting him self. Y/N then passes out due to some blood loss, the hooded figure barges in the room and makes their way to Y/N's passed out body out of instinct, the hooded figure rushes to
Y/N's restroom to find some sort of medkit or something to clean up and stitch up Y/N's wounds. The hooded figure cleans up Y/N's cuts and pulls out a vile with some liquid and pours it on Y/N's arms instantly healing the cuts, after this she decides to tie up Y/N to his bed with each limbs tied to a pillar of his bed. The hooded figure just waits for Y/N to wake up admiring him as he sleeps peacefully.
???: "He's so cute when he's asleep but I would have never expected him to cut him self I'm gonna have a chat with him when he wakes up, and perhaps I'll take his v card away~."
Y/N wakes up to realize that his cuts are healed and for some reason he's tied up to his bed.
Y/N: "What the fuck... why am I tied up!"

???: "Hello Y/N it's sooo nice to finally talk to you~."Scared out of his mind Y/N manages to stutter out a sentence.

Y/N: "Wh-os th-there? An-nd what do yo-u want?" He then notices a figure to walk out of the shadows Y/N sees that the figure has nice curves and rather a large amount of bust, but that wasn't the interesting part that was her face, it was pale he sees that she has a smile carved into her face, and she has no eyelids. "Ahh her face, wait her face is carved is she the killer from the news?"
???: "You know it's rude to stare for too long" as she says this she pushes her breast up teasing Y/N a bit causing him to blush a bright red. "Anyways I'm Jess the Killer but you can call me Jess cutie~." Y/N still blushing he starts asking this so called Jess questions.
Y/N: "How do you my name?"
Jess: "I've been stalking you and been watching your every move"
Y/N: "why did you tie me up to my bed?"
Jess: "So you wouldn't run away so I could KILL YOU!!!"
Y/N: "WHAT!!!"
Jess: "hahahaha, I'm joking Y/N I tied you up I could talk to you with out causing you any harm your far to cure to die." Y/N slightly calm about his situation decides to ask her one more question.
Y/N: "What happened to your face." Jess irritated by the question Y/N asked, she jumps on top of him and puts a knife up to his throat and answers his question.
Jess: "Why Y/N, great question I did this to my self don't you think I look beautiful?" Y/N extremely scared he does the smart choice and agrees with her even tho she is a bit cute.
Y/N: "Yes you are very beautiful just please don't kill me." Jess smiling down at Y/N for saying what she wanted to hear but still unsatisfied.
Jess: "Oh Y/N I'm not gonna kill you but enough of me I want one thing about you, why did you cut yourself." Y/N then looks upset and starts to tear up.

Y/N: "I'm all alone, pain is the only thing I feel I do it cause my parents died in a car crash when I was 15 years old and I was all alone, I'm to scared to kill myself so I cut myself instead." Upon hearing this Jess feels sympathy for Y/N.
Jess: "I'm sorry to hear that Y/N but don't worry anymore I'm here now I can be your friend, and maybe more~." Jess says the last sentence with a seductive voice and makes Y/N blush, but at the same time happy to now have a friend even if it is with a psychopath. Jess still on top of Y/N goes up to kiss him while doing that it makes Y/N blush even more red than before and embarrassed because he never kissed a girl. Y/N let's Jess explore his mouth being sure to not miss a spot in his mouth. Jess then pulls away with a string of saliva coming out.
Jess: "so how was your first kiss Y/N did you enjoy it~." Y/N embarrassed that Jess knows that was his first kiss replies with a light stutter
Y/N:"O-oh geez H-how did you K-know that was m-my first k-kiss." Jess giggles at Y/N's stuttering while getting closer to him.
Jess: "Like I said Y/N I've been watching you, and I know your still a virgin so your still waiting on that special someone aren't you what a innocent boy~." Upon hearing this Y/N then gulps to not knowing how this night might end...

I might do a lemon next chapter so viewer discretion is advised but still thank you for reading my first book so far I like, I might change the way I write but I'll keep it this way for now. Let me know if I should change the way I write. Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter... byeeeee 😊

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