Why would anybody do nothing? No new SCPs, everybody is bored, and why isn't there a single thing going on there? But of course there was a certain squad trying to liven the place up. They were known as Delta-15. Their commander was Echo and their Lieutenant was Parker. Jack assists Echo with his squad called Zulu-11. Jack was recently promoted after fighting off an entire pack of rats with a stick. At least he took down a couple hundred before the rats scrammed. So then Echo debated with his squad to make a show. "Why should we?" Jack asked. "You get half of the profit" Echo replied with determination in his paper. His paper lists everything they needed to do.
Thus, started the production. But of course they had to get their supplies. Which was only slightly available but the council decided 'Why not, nothing could go wrong'. So they had a budget and it turned out that the Staff, the two squads, and the council each get 1/4 of the profit. So the best thing that could happen is everybody making millions. So let's get a move on! "Woah woah woah, weird voice coming from the sky... We need supplies and this is too short so should we do that? Or make things horrible for the readers." Echo said. "What do you mean 'I said'?! I clearly asked you a question. So reply please!" Ummm. Okay? Take over for me Brad. "So what exactly do you want?" The director asks. Echo replies with a "Read the script thing. or story."
And thus we did. We dust did. Now back to our normal program. "Anyways after talking with the director. I hereby declare we are making a show!" Echo said in the stadium. Finally the crowd was pleased to hear there was going to be a show. But... "What will be our topic?" Echo asked the crowd. They were silent until about 200 voices started to shout a topic. "So our main should be either... Action? Game shows... And lastly a life story??" Odd. Hold on. Lets's just go to the shop for supplies then we can try all different departments. So...
And they went to SCP-3008 (Endless Ikea) and got every single supply they needed. Or at least needed because some of the MTF started to make a channel about games. (Never tell this to him but subscribe to Sippy Gaming. Its a real channel with some content). This was a bit weird but eh okay as some MTF started to hunt for... *sigh* The kraken. Just to prove that they are real while others looked for other mythical creatures such as bigfoot.
Echo already made a few stories in his time like 'Smuggler Down', 'Just a story', and some comics... About 11 of them. Now Echo will lead the Action department while some others lead their other departments. This plan was a bit odd but effective. Now shall we continue the story and go on? Your choice. Anyways this will contain some cringy humor. But humor nonetheless. Shall we go on to it? Just click next! JUST CLICK NEXT! JUST FLIPPING CLICK NEXT!!!
Echo Productions
ФанфикJust some random story from my comics. If you want anything just ask me and I could try to fit in another character. Also this may contain humor that you may hate and try to get to know the characters more. YEET!