Chapter Three

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Rolling up a hundred-dollar bill, then started cutting up the cocaine. It was morning, and I had crashed with some club girl for the night. Then rolled out of bed, got a beer, swallowed most of that and woke the fuck up—then saw the boys taking their morning wake up dose, aka cocaine so I thought why the fuck not. Had a shit ride here, and had another long ass ride ahead of me, once I tell the Chief it's done.

Couldn't tell him last night, he was passed out in his study. As for Gabriella, didn't see her again.

"What the fuck you doing here?"

It was the growl that he used, that made me look up, his eyes on me. Fucking Maddox Steel. Never had a problem with the bastard in fact at some stage could have called him a friend.

I once rode for the mother charter, till Gabriella. Then I left, and rode for the south, worked my way up from there going for the National President Patch. Not nomad, not a table member, I fucking didn't belong anywhere and that sort of how my life has always been.

My family never wanted me.

The club doesn't even want me.

I'm that fucked up. So when Mad Maddox is staring at me like he'll knife me, I couldn't give a flying fuck.

"I hear congratulations is in order." I say, with a smirk on my face, but he knows the smirk isn't friendly. "You really going to be faithful to one pussy for the rest of your life?"

Maddox flipped the table we were sitting at, had me by the collar within seconds. And then slammed me back into a wall. I fucking didn't believe in not fighting back. So I punched an upper cut into his stomach. He groans, but his grip doesn't loosen. That man was basically as big as me, he knew how to take a punch.

He kept me gripped by the collar. "You aren't fucking welcome here Hudson." He snarled at me. "You fucking know that."

"Chief wanted me here." I growl back. "Now if you want to keep your fucking bladder and not be pissing in a bag for the rest of your life, you'll let fucking go." And then he feels it my gun pressed into his skin.

Wasn't one to ever fight clean.

He lets go of me, and the boys are looking at us, as if ready to pull us apart or clean up bits of us.

"Leave." Maddox looked me dead in the eyes. "Before shit gets out of control. Cause I will kill you if you go near her Hudson."

I cracked a smirk, because he was serious. He would pull his gun out and shot me blankly in the head, there was a reason he has Vice President on his chest. He also wouldn't be accountable to anyone for ending my life, he was that far up the food chain. However, I wasn't someone that you could kill easily. Took three bullets to the chest the night I left Ellie the night it happened.

"I got to see Chief." I wasn't backing down. I knew I stood alone, I might wear a cut but I was alone. However Chief had always been somewhat of a father, and I wasn't going to not report to him—when he had sent me on a personal request. Again I was National President. I didn't answer to him, however my respect for him out weighed the authority I had over him.

"Someone said my name." The deep voice caused Maddox and I to look to our sides, and there stood the man that started it all—fucking Chief. Gabriella's father, the Mother Chapters current President.

"Hudson." Chief looked me up and down. "You were meant to call not come here."

Maddox looked directly at me like that proved his point.

"Thought this was better done in person." I wasn't backing down on why I was here. "Can we have a word?"

Chief frowned for a second. Probably thinking what the hell had happened that caused me to break orders to come here.

Finally Chief pointed his arm towards his office, and I shouldered Maddox as I past him. To my fucking surprise, Maddox followed, and when he walked into the study after me. My temper snapped.

"Can't you fuck off!" I snapped at him, and he just shrugged his shoulders going to sit in an armchair.

"Know what you were meant to Hudson. The fact ya here, means you mightn't have done it. So then it becomes my problem." Maddox doesn't back down, or fuck off. Chief looks at me, and I know I'm to drop the issue of him being here.

I pulled out my packet of smokes, lighting on up and then looked at Chief. I'd just pretend Maddox wasn't here and wasn't fucking my woman... or fucking going to marry to her.

"The man you want dead, I'd do it, but it will backfire on me and the club." I looked Chief in the eyes. "You want me to kill the Chief of Police. Doesn't matter how I do it, the man has security twenty four seven. I wouldn't just have to kill him, I'd have to kill them as well. By the time I get to him, the likelihood of them calling for backup is high."

Chief doesn't like it and Maddox opened his mouth.

"The men are speaking Maddox, little boys shouldn't put input into shit they don't know anything about." I said directly at him.

"You want me to pull my cock out? I'm more man than you." Maddox stood up.

"Fuck no point. Wouldn't be able to see it and women wouldn't be able to feel." I crossed my arms, wondering how long Chief would let us keep going.

"I guess I'm big enough for my woman, that's all that matters. Would invite you to be a groomsmen but we all know you don't play nice with others, do you Hudson?"

And my fists balled at my side.

"Fucking enough!" Chief stepped in, probably because Maddox said his cock was big enough for Gabriella. Who is Chief's daughter. "Back to why we are here." He says sitting down. "Now what the fuck are we going to doing about Bruce, the Chief of police? Can't let him keep breathing."

"Why do we want this man dead so badly?" I said, taking my eyes off Maddox and onto Chief. "You got a hit on him, like he has a case against us."

Chief and Maddox shared a look.

"Maybe if we tell him, he'll be more determined to think of a solution." Chief said to Maddox.

"That is counting on Hudson feels something. And we all know Hudson is as cold as a dead mother fucker in the morgue."

I take the cigarette from my lips. "What aren't you all telling me?"

"Bruce." And the Chief looked to me. "Is expecting me to hand over my daughter, as payment for him to kill a case on us. The case is currently all done, all he has to do is hand it in. He is looking at Ellie marrying him, as a treaty. Between the bikers and the police."

"Why Gabriella?" I had to ask the question.

"He has money, status but not yet a wife." He ran his hand down his beard.

"He's not fat and ugly, can't he go and marry someone else?" I stated the facts, something wasn't adding up.

Chief looked at me, "He's into BDSM he wants a slave not a wife."

I stared at Chief for a few seconds longer. "The fucker is dead." I then felt the blistering rage through my body. "Consider it handled."

"Thought you couldn't kill him?" Maddox mocked me.

"That was before."

"Before what?" Maddox pressed me, arching his eyebrows.

"Before I gave a fuck if I came out of this clean." Knew then that I'd be giving up my life one way or another for this to work. Whether I go to prison, or end up shot. Maddox is still staring at me. "Fucking why do you care Maddox? When I'm through you'll be able to marry her. What happens to me after it doesn't matter."

And I dropped the cigarette stepping on it, and then turning and leaving. Maddox would still get to marry her and I'd fucking handle this. If I died so be it. Wasn't really living now. Then I thought to myself, maybe me handling this, would in some way give her the life she deserved and the life I could never give her.

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