Chapter 9

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There was many things god let happen that shouldn't. Life things, like Maddox but also things that shouldn't be legally allowed. Hudson cleaning his bike, topless, in the summer heat. His tattoos were glistening from his sweat, and the muscles, damn. I was turned on, wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't. Because so were most of the women in the lot—who had all made an excuse to be outside in this heat.

I however had forgotten my reason as soon as I stepped outside, seeing the sight that is topless, tattooed Hudson.

Fuck me. It's moments like this I'm thankful my thoughts are my own.

Hudson glanced up, couldn't help but think he was avoiding me since we spend that night watching television.

Then I saw his grin as he looked at me. "Thirsty darling?"

All the women shoot me a glare. "Um yeah." I say and I forgot I was carrying a slab of cold water for the boys out here. I dropped it to the ground, taking a knife to it, slicing the plastic off. Then walking towards Hudson.

"You're skilled with that knife." He said rather impressed, and I shrugged, looking at him. He was everything to me, and I lost him, then died and then fell in love with Maddox. I knew all that. Yet here I was. My heart fluttering, my legs clenching together tightly, all because of Hudson. "You hot?" he asked a question that wasn't even a question.

"I think everyone's hot." And I noticed him drop his rag, that he was cleaning the bike with.

"Wanna go swimming?"

"I don't like public pools."

"Was thinking the lake, near our spot."

God that was tempting. But that would be wrong wouldn't it? "I um..."

"Nothing wrong with it sweetie," and he dipped his head. "unless you want something to be wrong with it." His rough swirl mixed with a slight rasp to his tone used to have me jumping him. And if it wasn't for the fact he burned me so badly and I was engaged—then I might have even considered it.

Slowly the corners of my lips twitched up, and I nodded my head.

"You got a bikini on under that?"

"Hon I've been basically living in a bikini since it hit January." I said, and his eyes tinted for a moment.

Hudson gripped Ribs, who was just walking by minding his own business. "You're in charge." He said, and Rib's looked terrified.

"Fuck that, I'm coming swimming. Give it to someone else." Ribs said and pulled his arm from Hudson's grip. Hudson groaned, looking at me.

"Give me a moment will ya." He said and walked off.

"Hey Gabriella," Ribs said approaching me, with this frown on his face. "Can you and I talk later, I got something I need some advice on."

Ribs and I were close, I didn't have female friends but Ribs, he was like my best male friend. "What is it?" My hands went to my hips. "Is this like last time?"

"Nah, I ain't in trouble. Well," he's lips twitched up. "not serious trouble."

"Alright let's go." Hudson was back, and mounted his bike, holding it steady for me. "Ribs ya don't have to come, I found someone else."

"Nah fuck that. I'm coming." Ribs said walking to his bike. Saw the slight frown to Hudson's lips, and I gave him a smile. Ribs is harmless. Anyway, wasn't like Hudson and I were going on a date, we were just going swimming. But when I wrapped my arms around him, memories of when he was mine flooded me.

OURS: Brothers of Diabolo MC- First GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now