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That was all it took, she couldn't hear anything but the world crushing around her, did she comprehend what she just knew?

No, sadly she didn't. She couldn't bear it. Besides the numbness has washed her own brain, the blurriness took great control over her vision, and she cared less about her surroundings, she has no clue about it.

She believes the simplest, smallest words can affect someone's mental health, but those words could affect her whole life, not only her mental health.

'I'm sorry to tell you that, but your nerves has been affected by the accident and your lower body is paralyzed'

Her mother was crying in her husband's chest, as she was watching her daughter take all the once new information in, as the doctor explained some more details to Tom , but already mother like daughter they were blocking away his voice.

"....well I'll leave you now." The doctor said as he left the family to comfort each other, Sabein swayed to Marinette hugging her and soothing her and Tom as well took both his girls into his arms.

"It's Okay, cupcakes. Nothing can break us down. "

If any mistakes are found, please correct me, I'm not an English speaker, and it would be lovely for you to help me.
Night, lovelies. ♡

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