Chapter 7

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"Punished how, Daddy?", I asked, still facing the door.
He rubs my ass, almost teasingly, in answer, before unbuckling and yanking down my pants.   I'm almost glad I wore my nice red panties, that is, until he almost rips them, yanking them down with my pants.
I feel his breath on my ear and down my neck, as he says, in a fucking sexy deep voice, "Like this, Princess."
He smacks my right ass cheek.
"Does that answer your question?", he says, hissing
I wiggle my ass in response, hearing him groan and curse under his breath, "Fucking tease."
He smacks my left one this time.
"Harder", I moan in a seductive tone
He smacks my right one for a second time, this time more forcefully. Fuck, this actually feels good. He repeats the action again on the left.
He keeps on going, increasing the force of the hits in increments. After a while, I lose track of how many hits he's given me. I'm feeling deliciously sore and turned on. God, I'm such a slut for enjoying this. I can feel how wet I am, it's practically dripping down my legs.
"Fuck", I moan loudly, as he slides his hand in between my legs, gently stroking
"How wet you are", he whispers softly in my ear, "I bet you're about to come any second, aren't you, slut?"
My pussy clenches in answer, as I hear him chuckle darkly.
He strokes a little, purposely avoiding the area that will set me off. I'm practically grinding against his hand by this point, wanting to get release.
As if he senses my intention, he removes his hand, making me whine. I hear him sucking his fingers, just to prove a fucking point.
"That's also a part of your punishment, princess", he says, now turning me around to face him, but still restraining my arms, "and you can't come the rest of the day either."
Fuck this shit
"Are you fucking kidding me?", I hiss
He gives me an evil smile in response. I immediately want to smack it off his face, but my goody-two shoes side and the fear of consequences holds me back. Which is contradicting, considering what I just received, but whatever.
"Oh, and I will also get to keep this", he says, finally letting go of my arms, and swiftly taking my panties from the pile on the floor.
My eyes are seeing red, but if he notices, he doesn't say anything.
He gestures for me to put on my pants. I do so, fuming silently the whole damn time.
He makes sure I'm watching, as the bastard smells my panties, and then fucking puts it in the jacket pocket of his suit.
Can I please punch him now?
I give him the middle finger instead. He only fucking smirks, as he walks over to me, leans in, and says, "I don't like to be teased, Princess. The next time you even think about teasing me...I'll know. Do. Not. Fucking. Test. Me."
I shiver at the chilled, yet still sexy, tone of his words.
He steps back, in a non-chalant manner.
"You can go now", he says, turning around
Wait, what? He's actually going to leave me like this? On the fucking edge the rest of the day?
A devious smile flits across my face, despite this fact.
I walk over to him, to where he is now sitting down in his chair.
"This isn't over, Aaron", I hiss in his ear, "Two can play this game."
He merely chuckles, as he says in a low voice, "Then I guess we will see who breaks first, Princess."
"Indeed", I say primly, stepping back, and brushing imaginary lint off my pantsuit.
I adjust the glasses on my face, blow him a kiss, unlock the door and sashay out.
Of course, everyone pretends they weren't just gawking at Hotch's closed door, wondering what the hell was going on in there, and not so subtly, they pretend to be working on something. damn predictable sometimes, despite the fact that they like to think otherwise. I smile to myself.
Wouldn't they like to know what was happening in there?
If they only knew how not-so-innocent their innocent colleague really is. If they only how dirty I really am in private, and the thoughts that go through my mind. 
As they say, it's always the quiet ones that are the most wild.
It takes a certain kind of person to bring out my naughty girl side, a person of a certain type of caliber.
It also takes a certain level of trust as well, and comfort.
I see JJ looking not so subtly at me.
What happened in there? , she mouths
All I do is wink at her.
Let her wonder what that means.
Beth's POV

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