Chapter 1

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I slightly rolled into my stomach to heat my back. The warm autumn air was chilling my lungs. it felt fresh and welcoming. I had a warm ray of light powered on my back. I couldn't believe how calm I was, considering such a large assessment approaching. It lingered over me like the tree branches in which I'm shaded.
"Chasity, darling, it's time to get ready for supper." said my mum as she pushed her body out of the doorway to our cottage. It was built originally in the early 1920's,but most of it burnt down after a man passing by, carelessly threw his withered smoke onto the ground about 40 years ago. My mum grew up here and she experienced her childhood home burn down when she was close to my age. Though, thankfully, my grandfather was always a strict man when it came to building anything that involves wood and time. He chopped the excess burns of the house, and repaired the half that hadn't burned down to look presentable and stable. It tickles me whenever I see mum hurrying and scurrying around the house, punishing my father and me for leaving a sock around. She seems to the house more than her own family.
I pushed my pale arms in front of me and hurled my body forward. I stumbled and brushed the browning grass I had been playing with for twenty minutes of my fading jeans. I slightly felt the tickle of a sweat drop bead its way down the side of my neck.
My father works in the crops until 6:30 at night, when mum calls him into the house to wash up and eat. When he walks into the house, he trails mid from his boots and he smells strongly of corn and sweat.
I've always excepted my father for what he did , for he was raised by farming. he was always tan, lean, and strong from his laboring hours out in the corn field everyday.
I stepped into the house when I noticed mum rushing around to finish cleaning and cooking. She's always worked hard to get us what we need to be happy, but we could be homeless and I would still love her.
I smelled the air lightly and caught the aura of fresh baked bread, marmalade, and roasted beef. Only on special days do we get such a large dinner like this. My mother pulled around the corner of the kitchen, where we held our rusty pots and pans above our heads, and eyed my clothes nastily.
"Honey,wash up, will you, please? You smell and I want everyone smelling at least decent for dad tonight."
As she was stating her words of truth, she was cleaning the table and vacuuming. My mum was a gift from God, she never leaves a place looking a slight bit dirty, if it was in her control. I nodded and agreed with her. I smell , and therefore, I must bathe.

I started to head down the hall toward the bathroom, when I heard my mother say loudly and disapprovingly. "Oh, no,no,no. That will not work, it's too uneven."
I slightly giggled and shook my head as I turned the rusty but fancy doorknob to the bathroom. I shut the door quickly behind me and undressed. the bathroom was nothing much, just small bath, dirty white, and chipped. a toilet and sink were there too, but the roller wouldn't flush and the sinks pipe was madly busted.
I calmly started the bath water and set it to the hottest it would go. I slipped in, and started washing my body slowly. I shivered as the warm water seemed to make the temperature in the room drop.
I washed my arms and noticed my arm. on my wrist I had a small tattoo of two pitch forks crossed and under it said my title in society. Nix. we were the poor, the hidden, the forgotten, and forsaken. we were farmers, slaves,beggars, etc. Quae deprecatio tua et fratres tui is our Latin moto, but when translated it says, beg not for your brothers, but for your own.
I was the lowest class. it wasn't my fault though, that's just how I was raised, and the same with my parents, and so on. Nixes must marry a nix or else you are sentenced to a disbanishment. One of my mother's sisters ran of with a fine,and was later disbanded from our society. Though we never upon the disbanishments, since they happen all the time.
I've always had a strong crave to know where the disbanded went. only certain people know, and they themselves would be disbanded if they told any person other than the king or queen.
I felt my head lull as I thought hard about my emblem and disbanishment. I had to wash before mum killed me...

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