Chapter 28 - Bounded

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"We need a way out."

"We also need to get you help for your wounds. Why hasn't the doctor come yet? I've been shouting."

Jathan stared at the floor like a tired puppy, wanting somewhere to curl up. His right eye was starting to close slightly, either from exhaustion or swelling, Alexander couldn't tell. Jathan looked up and gave a weak smile before speaking.

"I've had worse, these are nothing compared to my uncles." he whispered unconvincingly.

Alexander watched as his friend sat in the corner of the room and curled up into a ball, shaking, a tear slowly rolled down his bruised cheek. He had never seen his friend like this before, he was the one who had always been happy and smiley, the one to offer advice during a dilemma. He definitely wasn't the type of person to just lay down and admit defeat. Alexander crawled over to his friend and sat beside him, rubbing his back.

"We will get out of here. I don't know how, and it won't be easy. But we will. I promise. Something will come along. It has to."

"I don't think so, buddy. Check your wrist."

A thin bright silver bracelet was strapped around his own skinny wrist, it was so light that he hadn't even noticed it there before.

"It binds talents, Theo read about them. They put it around your wrist, they clip it shut and then the seal fades. It's apparently unbreakable. So there goes our hope."

"Where did all your fight go?"

"Take a look at our situation."

Jathan looked Alexander in the eyes, he watched his face for a moment before speaking again. He gestured to his surroundings.

"Take a proper look Alex. We are locked in a cell, in the officer's station. They've bounded our talents so unless you're some master of escape, then we are stuck here. Armed guards are everywhere, we pretty much just had the shit kicked out of us there and they weren't even trying very hard as hurting us wasn't their primary objective. Let's be realistic, what can we do Alex? Because if you have an idea, I'd love to hear it."

Alexander stuck his hand in front of him and concentrated like he had done thousands of times before. Sure enough, the chair didn't move at all. He tried on one of the splinters, something so easy. Again, nothing moved at all. Jathan was right, they would have to do this without their talents.

Alexander sat quietly, still rubbing Jathan's back. His friend was normally the ones for plans, but he was freaking out, and just about ready to start waving the white flag. So now it was up to Alexander. The chance of them actually finding a way out themselves was slim, but he couldn't just watch as his friend broke down. He needed to fake some confidence and try.

"Jathan, look at our situation. We sit down and lick our wounds and wait to see what Sykes does with us, or we try. What have we got to lose?" He looked at his friend, watching to see if the words were sinking in. "We do what we always do. We act on instinct, do whatever we can whenever the chance happens. That's what we are going to do."

"Not this time buddy. This time there is nothing we can do. But thanks for the pep talk. I think I'm going to lay down and hope Sykes doesn't come back anytime soon."

"Just please, don't give up just yet." Alexander's voice shook. What would happen if they really gave up now? Alexander's looked into Jathan's usual bright and summery eyes, the eyes that are normally full of optimism, now had a sense of hopelessness.

Knocking echoed through the room before the door slammed open. The boys turned to face the door, but everything was happening so fast, before they knew it, guards were in the room and pulling Jathan to his feet. He didn't resist.

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