Chapter 32 - Twists and Turns

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Their footsteps echoed and with each step the boy's knees threatened to betray them. Taking each step carefully, they continued further into the unfamiliar territory. Still hand in hand, the boys came to another room, similar to the last in every way except one. Alexander let go of Jathan's hand and ran towards the middle of the room. There laid a white teddy with light blue ribbon around its neck, it wasn't quite as clean as it used to be. He picked it up and bought it close to his chest.

"She came through here at some point. I can't tell how long ago though."

Jathan watched from a distance, feeling the grief and fear that radiated from his friend. He knew he would be in a worse state if it was Haylan or Leo. He didn't know what to do apart from give his friend time to think. She had come through here, so they were on the right track, but it could have been days, even weeks by now. But she could have come and left from any direction, so they weren't any closer to finding her than before.

Slowly Alexander stood up, still clutching the bear he walked towards Jathan. No words needed to be said, they continued walking down the trail, through identical rooms.

"How can anyone know their way around here? Everything looks exactly the same. I feel like a rat in a trap."

"The pictures on the walls are different. That's all, so try to remember them."

"Alex, I recognise that one. Damn it, we are going in circles again."

They continued walking, Alexander swore he saw another passage somewhere, but they ended up looping around on themselves again.

"Who built this place. Are you sure you saw one?" Questioned Jathan.
He shot a look at his friend, and promised he remembered seeing one, so once again the set out around the circle of mysterious and creepy rooms. In the third room they passed, he spotted it. Behind the bed there was a large shadow along the wall, hidden in the shadow was an outline of a metal door. They walked towards it and pushed. The door didn't budge.

Alexander rubbed his hand over the door, desperately trying to find the handle. His finger ran over a small bump, no where near the size of a handle but it could be something.

"It's too dark. I can't see a thing."

"Hang on."

Jathan ran around the room, searching for something to use. He opened draws and cupboards, not wasting time by shutting them. He came back to door holding a torch so they could both see. Their eyes focused on what Alexander's finger touched, a key hole.

"Well, now what?"

"There has to be a key somewhere in here."

"How about the keys I have in my pocket? The one I took from the guard. There must be something on there."

"I forgot about those, we'll have to try them all though."

Sliding his hand into his pocket, Jathan pulled out the set of keys. They quickly worked on eliminating the keys that looked too big or too small, narrowing down their options. They gently slid the keys into the lock, one by one, trying to find the one that fits. Eventually the lock clicked and the door creaked open.

"I wonder why they didn't use technology on the locks?"

"They can be hacked. Probably thought it would be harder to steal keys from inside the building." Alexander replied as he pushed the door open further.

"I'm thankful for the keys."

Darkness continued to greet them as they looked through the arched doorway. They had come this far and they didn't feel like turning back just yet.

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