Saiki kusuo X chubby reader

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A/n: here's our coffee jelly loving psychic ;-)

People's thoughts: ' hello'
People speaking: "hello"
Saiki's thought's: ' good grief'


Saiki's pov:

Good grief, it's summer break and I was hoping to have a relaxing time staying indoors and eating Sweet's, while watching t.v away from everyone else!!, but God seems to never give me a break. So he decided to go send the only person whose mind I cannot read ....nendo.

"Hey buddy!! Me and the runt (kaido) are heading to the beach with a couple of our pals, and we're wondering if you want to come with us."

So here's the thing. I would have loved to have said no but the problem is that mom open the door so I'll be forced to go , I may be an all powerful psychic but that women scares me.

"Fine" I replied forcefully ' good grief'.

No one's POV:

After Saiki and nendo swung by kaido's place they make their way to the beach. After so many wrong turns and dead ends, they'd finally reached their destination.

Kaido:"UGH... Finally!! We made it."
'nice try~ dark reunion your plan of trying to trick me to go on a path of confusion... but I jet black wings will always come out VICTORIOUS!!'

' good grief, It wasn't dark reunion you were just to busy arguing withwith nendo to notice where we're going.... Ugh can this day get any worst.'

" Hey guys, you made it, I was starting to get worried~."

' dammit I spoke too soon'

Came an angelic voice that can make anyone swoon all except for a certain psychic, all he hears is this.

' I actually don't care about these two idiots, my only goal is to make Saiki fall in love with me and to make him say "oh wow" but I'm the perfect pretty girl and I have to at least pretend to care, that's what perfect pretty girl's do.'

Every guy who was in a close proximity of terahashi could only think of one thing.

'Oh wow what an angel'

That thought made Saiki roll his eyes, if only they knew what her personality is actually like. Shortly after, yumehara arrived as well and greeted everyone but was blushing when she greeted kaido, thinking of a plan to get him to notice her.

' finally! Today's the day I would get kaido to notice me I especially picked out a cute bikini and when he sees me in it he's gonna be like "woah yumehara you're so pretty would you like to go out on a date with me?" And I'll be like yes!! And we go on our date , and get married eeeeeee!! I can't wait.'

While the group was in the middle of Thier conversation, Saiki just wanted to get this horrible experience over and done with.

Saiki's pov:

Good grief...I just got here and I'm already exhausted, maybe I can find a way to get out of this situation, I could teleport but there's too many people around they could see...hmm or I could fake being sick? then they'd all follow me home wanting to take care of me.

Before I can think of any other plan's, I can hear fast foot steps approaching behind us and heavy breathing like they ran a marathon, I turned around to see the only sane person in our group...(y/n) (l/n), she transferred to our school 10 months ago and she's the only one in my class to know I'm a I didn't flat out tell her she saw me use them.

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